The wiglo pt2

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I was thinking too much, my mind was running with thoughts and wonders. No one has ever seen the warriors face, but i feel like i know her.

I imagine her eyes green as ambers, her hair as dark as soot and so long, and yet so pretty.

I looked out the window to see green grass and flowers but to my surprise, the wiglo was there...

I jumped back and ran to my mum.

"MUM!" I yelled

"Yes Ruby?" She replied.

"I saw the wiglo outside!" I said loudly.

"The wiglo?..." She said confused.

"Oh, right yeah, the wiglo is what i named the monster." I said explaining.

She got up, "Ruby, go upstairs please" she said going into the cupboard.

I did as she asked, i went upstairs wondering what was to happen. Then i heard it, a loud thud, now i was curious. I looked out the window once more to see the most amazing thing i ever seen.

My mum fighting the wiglo. My mum the warrior! Me the child of the warrior, my mind was racing with ideas and wonders, could it really be my mum?

I was amazed, i didn't realize that the wiglo had ran away.
What should i do, no, i need to leave this to warrior mum!

I ran down stairs again and i opened the door.

"MUM, that was amazing!!!!!" I screeched in amazement.

"Ruby? Wait, why are you here?" Sam said turning around.

"Are you the warrior!?" I asked wondering.

"Well yes i am, but you need to go inside now!" She exclaimed.

I went upstairs and put YouTube on hoping to get the truth off my mind.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2022 ⏰

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