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# intros

cutebunny Yesterday at 3:31 PM
i live by seoul too
let's bake together, y/n

y/n Yesterday at 3:31 PM

—————April 25, 2016—————

dancingmachine Today at 12:10 PM
hi, you can call me peach
i'm 19
i'm from japan but i moved to korea a few years ago
i like dancing

cutebunny Today at 12:10 PM
i think everyone can tell that you like dancing already

ilovetzuyu Today at 12:10 PM
what's it like in japan?

dancingmachine Today at 12:10 PM
it's nice
it's not as perfect as people make it look though

bee Today at 12:11 PM
i like dancing too
i've been thinking about auditioning somewhere

cutebunny Today at 12:11 PM
you should audition for JYP
are you any good?

bee Today at 12:11 PM
i think so
i like singing too

cutebunny Today at 12:12 PM
same 😌

dancingmachine Today at 12:12 PM
you made me do an intro
but you haven't yet either

cutebunny Today at 12:12 PM
i'm nini
i'm 20
i like singing
i love bunnies

ilovetzuyu Today at 12:13 PM
i'll redo mine, it's been a while
i'm tzuyu
i'm 18
i live in the philippines
i have no hobbies i'm boring

cutebunny Today at 12:14 PM
you are not tzuyu

ilovetzuyu Today at 12:14 PM
maybe i am 😉 you'll never know

cutebunny Today at 12:14 PM
identity theft is not a joke

ilovetzuyu Today at 12:14 PM
i just don't want to use my real name 😂

bee Today at 12:15 PM
now i want to do mine again
i'm bee
i'm 17
i live in canada
my hobbies are dance, singing, and i also babysit

dancingmachine Today at 12:15 PM
what's canada like?

bee Today at 12:16 PM

allie Today at 12:16 PM
a canadian
do you live in an igloo

y/n Today at 12:16 PM
allie you're literally on the border of canada

allie Today at 12:16 PM
take a joke 🙄

y/n Today at 12:16 PM
get better humour

ilovetzuyu Today at 12:16 PM
oo drama
fight fight

allie Today at 12:17 PM
she's always mean to me

y/n Today at 12:17 PM
wdym i'm very nice??

allie Today at 12:17 PM
i hate u

y/n Today at 12:18 PM
i love you too

dancingmachine Today at 12:19 PM
what have i just witnessed?

cutebunny Today at 12:20 PM
@ allie you still haven't done an intro

dancingmachine Today at 12:20 PM
what is it with you and intros?

allie Today at 12:21 PM
my name is allie
i'm 18
i live in ny but i'm puerto rican
i like cooking and gaming

bee Today at 12:21 PM
gamer girl..

allie Today at 12:21 PM
shut up

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