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              It's been two days, and today is the day that I'm supposed to go back to my husband, and I'm more than happy about it! It's not like staying with my ancestor is bad, it's quite the opposite, even Ana agreed on it, they did everything...

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It's been two days, and today is the day that I'm supposed to go back to my husband, and I'm more than happy about it! It's not like staying with my ancestor is bad, it's quite the opposite, even Ana agreed on it, they did everything they could to make us forget about our situation.

Plus I've experienced a new style of living, and now I understand how things work here and what a King is like, seeing how Ares and Livy rule, amazes me, I've been here for only two days but I've seen enough to understand that everyone here respects them and loves them so dearly and that they would do anything for them, I don't understand how but I think it's so beautiful, they also fear them but mostly Ares, I feared him too, even tho his anger is not directed to me.

Every time I hear him yell or talk coldly my body somehow goes stiff and I can't help but feel fear, but my reaction seemed so much better than Ana's, Every time she hears him, she immediately bows and steps away, and I know it's not like her to submit so easily when I asked her, she said that she doesn't understand it either and that every time he does it, she can't even think about anything else and it's like her body has a mind of its own.

We've seen him deal with his people, he truly rules with justice and wisdom, and his advice always makes sense, sure he looks cold and shows zero emotions and doesn't even flinch or look surprised when someone does something unnormal, but again I remembered that he could read minds so he could tell what the person is planning without even trying, he looks like Reign in a lot of things but I won't lie, he is ten times scarier than Reign while he is doing his duty as a king.

Yesterday was the day when their people come and meet them asking for advice or confessing their crimes or just offering the royals some gifts, and I concluded all of this from observing them, one of the worst moments yesterday was when Ares lost his temper on a noble man that stole food and money from a poor family, leaving them in a bad situation, apparently, the family is composed of a teenage girl, two toddlers, a seven months old baby, and a widow, and The noble them owes them money for both food and rent.

Both Ares and Livy didn't like what he said or how he said it, and neither did I, he seemed proud of what he did, and that pissed the royals so much and Ares lost it, Livy was reight the other day at Tura when she said that Ares's temper is bad when he was scolding the man, I almost whimpered from fear, I don't know why or how, but nothing makes sense now!

Livy on the other hand was always calm and nice to everyone, but oh boy don't cross or you are dead, unlike me, she has no problem scolding people, nicer than Ares but it was a bit scary, I like her, She is a perfect Queen indeed, not like me, she told me not to compare myself with anyone but I can't help it!

They are also the perfect match, yesterday Ares almost killed the man but Livy was the reason he stopped and surprisingly calmed down so easily, she just held his arm and hugged him stopping him from going any further, and he immediately hugged her back and buried his face in the crook of her neck, resting there, until he pulled away and looked like nothing even happened and was all calm again, he went back to his throne and held Livy's arm to the rest of the meeting? I don't know what it's called!

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