Dream, IVORY.

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      IVORY Lenoir was a dream.

A picture perfect epitome of the song Girls Just Wanna Have Fun. It was the name you'd see scribbled with hearts across Hogwart's library books. She was the one who's cheeky, restless smile never once faltered. 

Notorious for her legendary parties (that everyone and their mums are trying to get invited to), muggle skates (that she takes everywhere), famous parents (French singer, Françoise Lenoir and Pro-Quidditch player, Aries Lenoir), mysterious dating history (not one boyfriend?) and an extremely small circle — Ivory was quite the catch. 

It's been said that a prominent part/phase of the Hogwarts' experience was crushing on the dark-haired girl, even if just for a day. 

With the certain amount of popularity she withheld, you'd find it rather strange that she's never really conversed with the infamous Marauders. Hell—many students wondered if she even knew them. They did, for sure. Perhaps the only time she's heard of them is when her absolute best friend, Dawn Black, spoke very little about about her brother. 

Dawn was the complete opposite of Ivory. Whilst Ivory brought about infinite hues of orange and yellow, Dawn kept herself in the shadows of the dark, far from the beam of light, for she believed she didn't deserve happiness—not with how frequently it was taken from her. All except her friendship with Ivory. That, she'd fight hard to keep. In their second year, Ivory had heard all sorts about Dawn — precisely about how they labelled her a dumb freak given she simply didn't speak. (Growing up in a traumatic home like hers, words couldn't explain how scarred Dawn was). Since then, Ivory hasn't left Dawn's side—babbling in her ear about everything & anything, helping her (with her permission of course) with coming out her comfort zone & promising to fight whatever darkness comes their way together

So, yes, Ivory was extremely protective over Dawn. Just not in an overbearing manner, like her brothers. So when Ivory spots a tear-stained face, giggling Dawn in the empty corridors paired with a comforting sandy-haired boy, Ivory grows curious of the unknown boy who had managed to make her best friend smile on the tragic anniversary. 

He's one of the sweet ones, Ivory could tell. From the moment he grinned shyly in her direction, eyes blazing with the soft-flowering of a soul, she hasn't stopped thinking about him.  

One minute, Remus is laying in his dorm, nose in a book, the next he and the three boys are startled by a rattling knock & a thrusting of a letter—


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