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"THAT'S my neighbour?"
Vexy looked like the bitchiest person ever!

She had blonde hair in a ponytail, and bangs covering her left eye.

"Is that a thing? Covering your left eye?"

-Vexy is your age! So I'm sure you'll get along well!
Her mother said.

Vexy got up and walked towards her.
She was wearing a red blouse and a Blue skirt.

Vexy Said and gave Becky her hand.

Becky Said and shook it.

Becky sat down in a chair and listened to the moms.
They were talking about cookies and other things.

She sat in that chair an hour or more.

-We have to go now, I'm afraid.
Mrs Herlitz said.

-Oh yeah! Becky's School starts tomorrow!

Becky groaned and followed everyone to the hallway.

She Said goodbye and got up.

When she got in to her Room she jumped into bed.

Apparently she fell asleep cuz she Woke up from Eric breaking Into her room.

-School starts in 5 mins! Why didn't you Wake Me up??!

He ran down the stairs and Becky ran after him.

-I'm sorry! I fell asleep.
She Said as they ran out the door.

-Brilliant, and I don't even know where the School is!

Becky took his arm and started running.
She knew.
She passed it yesterday when she was lost.

The School was big.
Very big.

They ran across the empty schoolyard and up the stairs.
She pushed the door, and ofcourse, it said "pull".

She followed Eric down the hallway.

He pointed at a sign.

" EE E6 F3"

-That's my class.
He Said and pointed at EE.

They Said bye and he ran up the stairs.

Becky knew that she was in Class A1, but she couldn't find it.
This School was a maze.

"A1 A7 C8"


She pushed the door Open and glanced out across the clasroom.
It was a small class, with Only two guys, and seven (now eight) girls.

-Becky Mitsuri I suppose?
Said the teacher at the front.

-Have a seat.

She looked for an empty seat.

"oh fuck. Vexy"

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