𝐏𝐡𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐒𝐞𝐱

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(Afab - he/him reader x male partner)

You pressed the green button, answering your boyfriends FaceTime. His face popped up on the screen, a big smile on his face. You just loved answering and seeing that smile, it made you day a million times better.
The two of you sat and talked for a while, played some games together, and overall just chilled and had fun. After about 15 minutes of you both being off in your own worlds, you noticed a text notification pop up. You opened it, Reading the message sent from your boyfriend.
"Its been a bit since we've done anything, would you be up to it now?" You smiled at the message and began to feel yourself blush. "I'm down" You replies out loud, deeply hoping on the inside that he wasn't joking now. You both opened your cameras, each of you having them facing towards your ceiling where you can't see the other. You heard a noise from the other end of the phone. You were guessing that he was starting to undress and you quickly did the same. Once you were in your underwear you pulled your plush blanket over your exposed body. You always forget to turn your fan off when you're doing these things, and it always leaves you shivering.
"Get ready baby" You listened listened your boyfriend coo. Everything he said just made your face heat up a bit more. You layed on your back, positioning your phone beside you. "Go ahead and put your hand in your underwear love." His voice sounded over the phone. You couldn't get tired of listening to him, it didn't matter what he said. Everything that came out of his mouth made you fall deeper and harder for him. You lowered your hand into your underwear, positioning two fingers over your clit. As you began to please yourself your mind was pacing to every different area it could. You allowed yourself to think of him, what he would do to you if he were infront of you watching your pathetic body.
"Let me see you" He spoke. His voice hitched a bit, hinting that he had started as well. "You too" You smirked at your reply, hearing a ruffling noise before seeing his member pop into frame. You picked uo your phone, angling it infront if yourself and placing you'd fingers back in their spot. You've done this over the phone two or three times but you never showed yourselves on camera. You were actually surprised you were able to find the courage so quickly. "Rub circles around your clit baby, let me see you make yourself feel good." This time he spoke in a stern voice, tempting you to follow his commands even more.
You started to rub circles around your clit, applying pressure to make it feel even better. You let his name slip out of your mouth while you were moaning, thinking of how he would feel inside of you. The entire time you were melting into your own touch and thoughts he was watching. Keeping his eyes on you and only you. He loved the way your body looked, the way your legs shook whenever you got close to finishing. He just adored the way you said his name in between pants, whimpering like a little baby. "Helpless little thing, so needy and worked up just from a few words." He spoke, pleasing himself and he watched you get off to his words.
Minutes later the both of you finished around the same time, screaming names and moaning for each other's touch.

Shorter chapter just for fun ;)

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