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- I Lost My Little Girl, Paul McCartney

- Wild One, Jerry Lee Lewis

- Meggie May, The Quarrymen

- Hard Headed Woman, Wanda Jackson

- Twenty Flight Rock, Eddie Cochran

- Rockin' Daddy, Eddie Bond & The Stompers

That's Alright MammaThe Quarrymen

Raunchy, The Quarrymen

- Movin' and Groovin', The Quarrymen

- Love Me Tender, Elvis Presley

- Mr. Sandman, The Chordettes

- Heaven knows I'm miserable now, The Smiths

Hit the road Jack, Ray Charles

Hello Little Girl, Aaron Johnson

In spite of all the danger, The Quarrymen

I Put A Spell On You, Screamin' Jay Hawkins

Can't Help Falling In Love, Elvis Presley

TRUE LOVE, paul mccartneyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora