In my mind,
It rains.
It's a constant pitter-patter,
Covering the white noise
Coming from the matter.Rumbles from the skies
Override the sounds
Of foosteps
And confused whines.The plane has ever-shifted,
Changing streams of water
Once thought immovable to man,
Steady in its flow, available for matter.Shadows take form over uncharted waters,
New illusions are formed,
Hatred is being remembered
And angry, tarnished tears shed.My newest heart,
A piece of matter,
Is waiting for a way
To shield itself from gutter.Raw, exposed feelings
Are hanging off the edge,
Threatening to spill in waters
That would drown them, given chance.Patterns that need
A powerful obliteration
Are felt through wants uprising
From the once buried depths.I must listen,
To keep myself alive.
To keep myself happy,
Loved and surprised.Life isn't what it once used to be.
Life doesn't surround around
New ways to smile
And keeping things upbeat.Focused on the inside,
Learning and understanding new traits,
Sort of gives me an excitement
That I deemed to forget.I treat my flaws with more compassion,
More loving and support.
Who else will,
In my own fashion,
If not me
For my poor heart?