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2 new messages

Skye wiped the sleep from her eyes and reached over, grabbing her phone from the shelf. It was a little past 10am, which was fairly early for Skye to be awake. Normally she would have returned her phone back to its place and rolled back over in an attempt to get at least an hour more of sleep, but she saw notifications on her Lock Screen and curiosity got the best of her. 2 new messages-Twitter. Skye smiled, tapping on the screen to reveal two new messages from MU. They had apologized for missing her stream the night before, which she found a little silly. They didn't need to apologize for that, but she smiled and replied: "It's okay! No worries 😊."

No new messages.

A couple silent days passed. Skye thought to herself that her last interaction with MU was indeed the last. Skye longed for more friends. More interactions with new people. She felt incredibly lonely on the other side of the screen, even though she had many new users following her daily. Skye still felt this grip of solitude that she couldn't quite escape, no matter how many users messaged her. Skye opened up Twitter, pressing the bottom corner of the screen to craft a new tweet for all the users following her. "Feeling social tonight. DM's are open! Let's chat!" Send. Within minutes, messages flooded her inbox.

1 new message.
2 new messages.
3 new messages...

Skye responded diligently to the greetings and questions that flooded her inbox. Happily at first, until this sense of overwhelming anxiety washed over her. They don't really care about you, a voice in the back of Skye's mind whispered. No one cares about you. Skye shook her head, locking the screen of her phone before setting it on the shelf.
"You're wrong...people do care about me..."
You think I'm wrong, but look at all the people who abandoned you...
"They...had to leave...they needed to be happy..."
Yes...happy without you.

Skye laid on her side, pulling her legs to her chest. The grip of loneliness and solitude returned, this time even stronger than it felt before. Happy without me...yeah, they are happy without me.

2 new messages.

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