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     ALICE was awake staring out her window at the gloomy skies of Birmingham, a tear had fallen from her eye she was deep in thought old memories she's tried so hard to bury, flooding back ruining her sleep

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ALICE was awake staring out her window at the gloomy skies of Birmingham, a tear had fallen from her eye she was deep in thought old memories she's tried so hard to bury, flooding back ruining her sleep . she sat up the tears flowed down harder causing her to fall into her hands sobbing a little louder . she threw her head back forcing herself to star at the white celling to keep the tears from flowing she let out a tired dry groan .

  she's kept everything to herself, her mother already has enough to worry about adding more would stress that wasn't needed, she wiped her tears aggressively making her skin burn . she sat her feet on the floor and began to walk to her desk grabbing her old sketchbook to draw her feelings out she had no other way to explain then other then through art .

" alice are you all packed ? "

my mum asked from the dinning area

" yes just give me a few minutes mum "

" hurry the horses might 'all well be sleep ! "

i grabbed the bit of art supplies i had and headed downstairs

" ma i have to head out early so i'll have to skip breakfast "

i said heading towards the door

" promise you'll be home for lunch then dear ? "

" yes i will keep a ear out for the bell i'll he home then "

with that i headed out the door to my first client's house i had painted a man and his daughter and my other client i had painted this older women's portrait she was a stunning older women she had a overwhelming confidence to her making me envy that about her, as i'm delivering my paintings i bump into a tall man in a long coat im not very good with people so his aura scares me immediately. he just stars at me he has piecing bright blue eyes like a lake and sunken features like he hasn't slept a day in his life but i push past him. when i arrive at the father and daughter's house i mentioned the man in the long back coat and the man froze then he tell's me who the man was and what he does. he tells me his name is thomas shelby and he's apart of the peaky blinders a gang that runs the streets i live in. im glad i'm even alive .

after i had left the man house he gave me another warning for my well-being about thomas shelby especially i made sure to keep note later. i then began to head to the the women whom i painted's house her name is elizabeth grey, she opens the door with smiles

" hello alice "

" hello miss grey ive brought your portrait "

" yes please come in "

i nodded and walked in

" you may take a seat "

i said a little thank you and sat down with the painting

" i'll be taking the painting out the cover "

" yes do that while i pour, would you like any ? "

" oh none for me please i'll he just fine "

" suit yourself deary "

she said coming back to sit i had taken out the painting and shower it to her . she almost nearly dropped her fag

" oh my , dear it's beautiful no more then beautiful it's "

" marvelous "

i finished her sentence making her look back at me with a warm smile

" yes yes exactly "

she looked back at the painting touching it

" marvelous "

i smiled tapping my foot a little

" you're just 19 it's insane how amazing you're dear "

" miss grey no need for kind words im only doing what i love "

" nonsense "

she said taking a seat next to me cupping my hands in her which taken me a back

" i'm about to offer you a opportunity of a lift time "

i sat nervous

" will you be my own personal artist and i'll pay you double then any other customer you ever had "

my eye widened this is actually happening

" oh my gosh yes miss grey i'll be your artist ! "

i said pulling her into a hug, she hugged back but our excitement was interrupted by someone walking in

" hello aunt pol "

miss grey let go softy and changed her expression

" hello tommy "

he lit a fag and began talking with it in his mouth

" who might this be "

he said opening his coat to put his lighter away on the inside

" this is alice castor today onwards she'll be my personal artist "

he nodded

" you're that good that polly here hired you as her artist eh ? "

he said walking over grabbing the painting inspecting it

" alright i see why. you're very good "

he said placing it down i then looked up at him and froze he was the man i bumper and push past i felt my pawns began to sweat as i clinched onto my skirt. miss grey saw me tense

" alright tommy what is you need ? "

" family meeting "

he said coldly still looking at me

" stop giving alice a look as if you're going to kill her  "

she said getting up

" alice dear could you take the painting and find a good place for it up in the wall i trust your eye for placement "

   i nodded grabbing the painting as miss grey and Thomas walked out leaving me to find the perfect placement for this piece i walked around the room and couldn't find a good place in the current room so i wondered around until i found the perfect spot it was by a window the light hit the painting perfectly, i could hear talking from the other side of the wall so i out my ear to it and listened in

" thomas why didn't you just leave the guns ! "

i could hear a angry miss grey

" i'm thinking smarter "

i heard a groan and then more talking then the movement of chairs which made me scurry back to the main room gathering my things i wanted to say my goodbye to miss grey before heading home

" ah you're still here dear "

" oh yes i wanted to say my goodbye until next time "

" oh that reminds me i forgot to mention since you're my personal artist if like for you to stay with me some days for the days i want work done you stay here which will make the process much more easier "

" can i sleep on it ? "

" yes you may no go one and sleep on it "

" until next time miss grey "

she smiled and waved me away

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