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* Veteran, no i will not elaborate

* (Ok fine I'll elaborate, it's because of this sweet ass fanart and plus he's old, any old guy could be a veteran for all we know.)

* In his 50s at the VERY least, I'd say approaching his 60s.

* Used to go by Ken when he was younger because the thought it sounded cooler than his actual name.

* Was quite laid back in his youth but quickly became hardened by the tragedies of war (cutely)

* Writing is his passion, but his books are rather underrated despite the beautiful words held within them. He is fond of poetry, but is hesitant to publish his own or flaunt it to others.

* He gets super flustered when anyone pulls the age card on him, he doesn't like it when people assume he's incompetent just because he's old and a little crazy...

* The island defender, he's usually the first guy to snitch or make a complaint when something is amiss that could endanger the place he lives.

* If Copper won't take care of a situation... He will.

* Smells like dusty books and forest floor.

* He's easy to flatter, but quick to pick up on manipulation.

* Under that sweater vest is muscle mass that would make the jock villagers jealous.

* He gives me "I say mornin' and not good mornin', because if it was a good mornin' I'd be fishin'" energy.

* Loves a good murder mystery and watches those noir detective films all the time.

* He'll read to you if you ask. Thinks it's a little odd at first, but when his narrator voice kicks in he gets really into it.

* He has a little stash of butterscotch somewhere in his house, only ever takes it out on days where he's feeling particularly nice.

* Eerily good at gambling, don't fuck with him when it comes to card games unless you're prepared to lose.

* He travels for the 4th of July to spend time with his old friends.

* Particularly active during dusk/dawn, and keen on taking snoozes during noon.

* Fond of plants like succulents and cacti.

* Loves the taste of raw vegetables.

* Will cook for you if he likes you enough, but can't make sweets.

* Doesn't know what DILF/GILF means, no one tell him for the love of God

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2022 ⏰

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