Ch. 4 Want to Join Us?

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Just outside of Roberu's bar & grill, Kronii has just parked her bike. As Kronii took off her helmet, she noticed her best friend Bae leaning up against the wall of the bar.

Bae: "Took you long enough, Man you Look rough."

Kronii: "What are you talking about? This is my 'college exam week' glow up."

Bae burst out laughing at Kronii's joke of her tired face.

Bae: "So what are you thinking of getting?"

Kronii let out a tired sigh and got off her bike and followed Bae into the bar.

Kronii: "...I'm not all that hungry. I'm probably just gonna get a few drinks and call it a day."

Bae: "Sounds good to me, but I'm gonna get some hot wings. So don't you go changing your mind and steal one of mine. Got it!"

Kronii: "Yeah, yeah. I know..."

Kronii and Bae walk into the bar, as Bae looked for them a place to sit Kronii couldn't help but think of the moment when she saw Mumei at the college parking lot.

Kronii: '...maybe I should have at least said hi to her. I mean, I'm over Mumei. Right? And it's not like Daniel isn't a bad guy like some of the guy that we went to school with. If any guy got Mumei to fall in love with, I'm glad it was him. He actually treated her right. But still..."

Bae: "Hey Kronii I found us a spot!"

Bae waved Kronii over at a two seated table. Kronii took one side while Bae took the other.

Bae: "So how hard are you thinking of actually thinking of drinking?"

Kronii: "Just enough to make me buzzed. I have morning classes tomorrow and I'd hate to go in with a hangover."

Kronii rubbed her neck, ashamed that Bae saw right through her. Bae nodded happily to hear that she wasn't planning on getting hammered.

Bae: "No Way! They're bringing back their ghost pepper seasoned hot wings!? Kronii you gotta-"

And without realizing it, Bae's and Kronii's waitress walked up. Surprising them both.

Mumei: "Are you two ready to order?"

Bae's jaw dropped to see Mumei working here. While Kronii was caught in too many feelings and confusion.

Bae: "On Mah God! Mumeishi?! What are you doing here? Do you work here?"

Mumei did a smile and a little twirl to show off her simple uniform, of a black shirt with the bar's logo and a brown apron. Kronii couldn't help but smile at her old friend's cute side, but quickly stopped herself.

Mumei: "Yeah, today's my first day. So guess you two were planning on drinking here."

Kronii angrily stares down Bae seeing if Bae planned this. Only for Bae to quickly shake her head no while Mumei was distracted by looking for a pin to write their order.

Mumei: "I heard from Irys that you two were planning to go out for drinks tonight. If you want to chat with her, she is over at the bar Bae. But before you do, let me take your orders."

Bae looked past Mumei and saw her wife drinking at the bar. Irys noticed Bae looking only for her to turn her head in a childish fit.

Bae: "...sigh. I'll take a Cola and a small plate of your ghost pepper seasoned hot wings. I'll be back Kronii, I should probably go talk to her."

Anyone with eyes could tell that these two were fighting again. So she let Bae go to her wife and hoped that they'll patch things up again.

Mumei: "How about you Kronii, what would you like."

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