A Childs Love

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Mother always said love everyone but I don't think that's the same case for me I only love mom it's always been just us since dad got murdered, mom always tells me dad is away for work but I knew about dads death but I didn't want to worry mom so I just said okay, I never ask mom on where dad is because its a touchy subject... It's gonna my birthday next week and I'm turning 11, every birthday mom takes us out to eat my 9th birthday was us going to Amusement park we went to a lot of fun rides, next was my 10th birthday we went to disney land it was so much fun I wonder what were gonna do next I don't care as long as I'm with Mom... I was suddenly called down stairs it was mom and a stranger, she called me to come close and said "Meet My Boyfriend" boyfriend...? BOYFRIEND?! I yelled inside my head and asked mom what a boyfriend was though I already know what it is i needed to act my age, Mom had explained what a boyfriend was while I wasn't really listening I was planning, planning something big to get rid of her Stinking BOYFRIEND! I had calmed down and asked mom if he was coming with us to my birthday and she said yes that was all I needed to hear, I told my mom that I needed to study and she agreed I had went back to my room and readied my items needed to get rid of him...

Time skip here--- ( Cuz why not ^o^ )

Tomorrow is my birthday I'll need to make sure to get rid of him by then or else... I have some saved up some money to buy everything needed soon HE will be gone, we had gone to sleep and today is the day he disappears we had gone out our apartment and I said that I had forgotten some and that ill go to the parking once I got to, with hat said they had continued to walk down the stairs while I had setted up the trap i had to do it quickly without problems I had finished setting it up and quickly ran down to the parking after that we had gone to my very first cafe it was a cute cafe not like any other it had pets and with that being said a day had passed by in a block of an eye, I said to my moms Boyfriend that he should go first to the apartment because I needed to use the restroom and asked mom to come with me with they being said we go our separate ways, immediately after the bathroom break I asked mom if she could buy us a cake and ill go home but she was worried so I had said something only she would understand "I'm a big girl now I can handle it" it was presumably something mom said when she was little dad told me about it once, Mom cried abit and said okay we go our separate ways while mom was trying to buy cake I was trying to get rid of the nuisance... I had arrived at the apartment and as soon as i opened the door I see a man tied up by the hands i had quickly gone to the kitchen and reset'ed the trap just incase and so I had dragged him to my bedroom and asked him a couple of questions and... I found out there's more of them since other people want to covet my mother for her money she owns Galician Beauty Products She's the CEO of course there would be more i sighed and stabbed him in the left leg though nobody would hear it since my room was sound proofed but besides the point i was disapointed and tired since i have to do this more than Ine time but what if i just lock mom here? The money comes in her card anyways so I could just lock her here, I had stabbed him in his private part and then stabbed him in the heart just to make him feel pain I awaited for my mother to return and speak of the devil the door opened and the trap went off my mother called me for help just to see her lovely daughter covered in can't of blood i had taped her mouth shut and dragged her gently to her room I had hugged her as she struggled and told her that I love her I awaited for day to come and to clean up his mess, get food for us and live like this Together FOREVER...

The End

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2022 ⏰

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