Queen Death

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Mikaelson Compound

Klaus and Hope were sat at a table full of pastries. "Now, you can't call yourself a connoisseur if you have not sampled each and every one of these. Hmm? Here." Klaus said. He handed a beignet to Hope and she took a bite. "Mmm, it's so good!" Hope said. "Did I ever tell you the story of my first beignet?" Klaus asked. Hope shook her head. "No? You are in for a treat. Long ago, three French nuns came to New Orleans looking for a fresh start. And they came here. They marched right into our courtyard, and they presented your Uncle Elijah and me with these rather lumpy-looking, sugar-coated pastries. Well, needless to say, we were entranced. We set them up quite well." Klaus said.

"Why did they come to you?" Hope asked. "Because there was a time when we were regarded as royalty. You might even go so far as to say I was king, which would make you a princess." Klaus said. Hope grinned. Hayley and Daniel then walked in. "Good morning." Hayley said. She looked at all the pastries. "I guess apple turnover is fruit." Hayley said. Daniel grabbed an apple turnover and started to eat it. The three looked at him and he shrugged. "I haven't had breakfast yet." Daniel said before taking another bite.

"Well, I saw no harm in indulging our daughter's sweet tooth. All things in moderation, of course." Klaus said. "Okay. Don't eat too many. You'll get a stomachache." Hayley said. Hope nodded. "Can we talk?" Hayley asked. Klaus nodded and the two walked away. Daniel looked to Hope and smiled. "You enjoying this?" Daniel asked. Hope grinned and nodded. "Dad!" A voice shouted. Daniel smiled and saw Aaron running over. "Hey." Daniel said. Aaron ran into his arms and Daniel picked him up. Aaron took the apple turnover from Daniel and started to eat it. "Hey. That's mine." Daniel said. Aaron shook his head and continued to eat it.

"Did mom make this?" Aaron asked. "No, she didn't." Daniel said. "That explains why it's not as good." Aaron said. Daniel smiled at his son. "She'll be very happy to hear that." Daniel said. "I am." Mia's voice said. Daniel smiled and turned around to see Mia stood there. She smiled at them before looking at the table full of pastries. She raised a brow and looked at the two. "Klaus." Daniel said. Mia nodded.


Daniel was told that Elijah was missing and was talking with Hayley and Freya. "He's not at Marcel's." Hayley said. "We'll find him." Freya said. Daniel and Freya joined hands and started to search for Elijah. "Jälgida minu blóo mitt. Jälgida minu blóo mitt." The two chanted. Their spell was being blocked. "He's cloaked by magic. I can feel it." Daniel said. "That's her." A voice said. They looked over and saw Vincent walking in. "That's the Hollow. She has Elijah, and now she wants that bone." Vincent said. "In exchange for Elijah?" Hayley asked.

"No, you don't understand. There won't be an exchange. She needs Elijah to die in order to channel the energy from his sacrifice. She's already poisoned him with the rose thorns. She wants this bone by sundown. If she doesn't get it, then she's gonna come here and she's gonna take it. And when she does, she's gonna burn this entire city to the ground and kill us all." Vincent said. "Not everyone." Daniel said. Vincent looked at him confused. "She won't kill me." Daniel said.

"And how are you so sure?" Vincent asked. "Because I'm the doppelgänger of her twin brother." Daniel said. Vincent froze in shock. "So if she kills me, she doesn't get her brother back." Daniel said. He then sighed.


Daniel, Mia, Hayley, Freya, Vincent, Klaus and Marcel were discussing a way to get Elijah and stop the Hollow. "You want a plan of attack, it comes down to this. Use the element of surprise. Now, Marcel will hand over the bone, and then stab the Hollow with Hayley's blood, and then I'm gonna cast the spell that buries her." Vincent said. "The Ancestors' spell requires a sacrifice. An Original has to die." Hayley said. "Yeah, and right now, the Hollow is gonna use Elijah's death to come back, but there's a window where I can use the sacrifice to shove her back into her grave." Vincent said.

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