There is so much happening with the fucking government like my rights are being stripped away from me as we speak soon I might not be able to get testosterone once I'm able to get it. Trans people might not be able to even say they are trans without being killed. I have gained so many reasons to kill myself I want to fucking die my only way to cope with this shit is gaining a superiority complex to make it seem like I have confidence, I am at the verge of relapsing I am two fucking months clean and it has been so hard to not relapse because of the events occurring. I just want to end it all I almost did it yesterday because I am being mocked consistently by my family I am using so much motivation to not develop an eating disorder I am close to starving myself till I fucking die. Living fucking sucks and if I tell anyone in my family they will instantly shove me back into counseling thinking it "helps" me I hate it so much I fucking want to die.