Network of Dekus

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Izuku yawned as he entered the common room, lazily strolling through the living room and towards the kitchen as he gave the people who were already lounging around a tired smile. It was a peaceful Sunday morning in the 1-A height alliance and everyone knew Midoriya tended to stay up late to train on Saturdays so nobody was all that surprised to see the teen slowly shuffle towards the fridge in his All Might slippers at 10 in the morning.

"Morning Deku-kun!" Uraraka greeted him as she leaned on the kitchen counter. "Tsu and I were planning on doing our English assignment together this afternoon, you wanna join? Iida is coming too!"

"Oh, uh, yeah, sounds good." Izuku said, smiling at her when he closed the fridge again.

"Great!" Ochako exclaimed, quickly turning around and walking back to the living room to tell Asui. Izuku could hear the chatter that rose up from the couches as he prepared his breakfast. Kacchan would disagree with his definition of breakfast though, saying there was no nutritional value in the shitty sugary cornflakes he ate during the morning. Well, not everyone could live with such a strict diet regime as Kacchan, mind you.

"Ah, good morning Midoriya," Yaoyorozu called out as she walked past him in the kitchen. "Would you like some tea? I was just going to make some."

"Good morning Yaomomo, yeah, I'd love some, thank you," Izuku smiled, leaving her to it as he sat down next to Todoroki at the table. "Everything okay Todoroki-kun? You look...upset?"

Izuku wasn't entirely sure what to call the emotion displayed on Shoto's face. It wasn't like the halfa was easy to read, but Izuku had picked up some things when their friendship blossomed. He could tell when he was happy or angry or indifferent or bored. Yet now he looked kinda upset, or maybe pissed off? Midoriya wasn't sure... But the way he was staring at his phone looked like he wanted to strangle someone.

"It's nothing," Todoroki answered. "Just Endeavor trying and failing to be a good father once again."

Izuku hummed, knowing better than to pry further. Everyone knew Endeavor was doing his best to try and mend his family again, certainly now that things were going better with Shoto's mom, but things were still...awkward. Forced. Unnatural. He tended to be clingy and overbearing at some points or cold and distant at other times. They hadn't found their balance yet. Izuku had tried to assure Todoroki that those things take time, but he was sure it was frustrating nonetheless.

Their short conversation fell silent after that, not that that was anything new. Izuku tended to be busy reading the news during breakfast anyway so he didn't particularly mind. He opened up the app on his phone as he took a bite from his cornflakes, almost choking on it as the first headline popped up.

"Everything alright?" Todoroki asked, quick to react as always. A glass of water was pushed in his hand and he took a few gulps before calming down again. When Todoroki asked if he was okay, Izuku simply nodded, taking another look at the headline to make sure he didn't misread anything.

QUIRKLESS STUDENT COMMITS SUICIDE - Quirkless suicide rates keep rising

All Midoriya did was blink as he took in the information. He remembered the announcement that was spread on the network, but he hadn't stopped to think that they would actually be this close by... It didn't really matter though. There was nothing Izuku could've done to stop it from happening and it's not like he was able to leave the dorms to attend the party, if he was even welcome after... Izuku took a shaky breath as he pressed on the title, the screen flashing for a moment as it redirected him to the correct article.

The quirkless student, Daietto Yushi, was found dead in his dorm room Saturday evening after his classmates reported he hadn't left his room all day. He was absent from classes since Thursday and was last seen alive on Friday afternoon. The cause of death was a severe case of blood loss according to the forensic team that analyzes the body. He appeared to have died over 12 hours before he was found. There were also traces of selfharm and a previous suicide attempt.

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