Chapter 5

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When they arrived back at Missouri shop as she got out of the car she walked up to Dean side and tapped on the windows as she walked passed and Dean then looked at Sam and he just shrugged his shoulders, Dean then got out of the car and walked up to Missouri and she said to him "what did you do?" Dean just looked at her and he then said "what do you mean?" Missouri then said "with selling your soul." Dean then put his hand down his face and said "sorry lady, I don't really know so I'm not going to justify myself you about why I did it." Missouri then clipped Dean around the head and said to him "you listen to me boy, I known you all your lives granted you never meet me but your Dad was family to me so that makes you and Sam my family as well so tell me why you did it?" Dean then looked at her and he then put his hand down his face and said "I had not choice I had to do it." Missouri then said to him "what do you mean you had no choice, do you really think your Dad would of wanted you do that?" Dean then said "don't, just don't, I had to do it to save Sam." Missouri then said "what happened." Dean then said "Sam died and I just couldn't do it, I can't do this life without my brother." Missouri looked at him and then said "ok Dean I understand but we need to get you out of this deal otherwise Sam is going to have to do this life on his own." Dean then said "yeah I know but we've made a deal with a demon that will get me out of this." Missouri then looked at him and said "what is it?" Dean said "all we have to do is kill Lilith so she can't start breaking the 66 seals to free Lucifer." Missouri said back " I've hear of Lilith she the first demon, she'll be heard to kill." Dean then said "yeah we know but we have a knife that kills demons that should work pretty nicely, we just need to find her." Missouri then said " I should be able to help with that." Dean then said "you don't have to do that?" Missouri then quickly said "I wasn't asking Dean." He just looked at her for a second and then smiled as he walked back to the car and as he got back into the impala Sam instantly said to him "what was that all about?" Dean then said as he started the engine "Missouri is going to help us find Lilith." Sam then said "good because we are going to need all the help we can get." Dean then said "yeah tell me about it." And as Dean reversed out and drove off Sam said to him "Dean we have to go back?" Dean then took a quick look at him and said "what do you mean we have to go back?" Sam then said "because of my vision, it's not happened yet." Dean then said "but we've purified the house so your vision can't happen?" Sam then said "yeah I know but I just have a feeling that this isn't over yet." Dean then looked at Sam again and said "alright Sam we'll go back." Sam then said back all confused and said "I thought I was going to have to fight you a bit more on this one." Dean then said "I can't do that this time as I have the same feeling." Sam just looked at him after that.

When they arrived back at there house Dean parked up outside the house and once they did Dean said to Sam while looking at the house "do you really think it could be Mom in there?" Sam then said back "I think it is." Dean then said "so all these years she been trapped in that house when she could of been in a better place." Sam then said "come on man don't do that we don't even know for sure that it's her." Dean then looked at him and said "I think we do Sam." "Yeah your probably right but still we didn't know Dean, but something good has come out of all of this." Sam said, Dean then said with confusion "what's that?" Sam then said "we have Missouri help in finding Lilith so I think we might be able to pull this off Dean." Dean then said back to that "don't say that not yet." Sam then said "I'm sorry Dean but that given me a lot more hope because she isn't a demon." Dean then said "yeah I know Sam but still just don't, we can celebrate one it done , if it's done and not a moment sooner." Sam then said back to that "yeah but when it's done we will." Dean just looked at Sam when he said that and he then said "you understand why it did it right." Sam then looked at Dean for a second and then said "yeah of course I understand why you did it." Dean then quickly said back to that "I just want you to become I would do it again in a hear beat." Sam said back to that "I know you would Dean, I would probably do the same if I'm brutally honest with my self." Dean said back to that "I know you would Sam I just don't want you to think of me any different because of what I done and the position that I've put us in." Sam then said "Dean I could never think any different of you, that would never happen no matter what you do or have done, you need to know that." After that the boys just sat there in the car watching over the house until a good couple of hours later something in Sam vision came true as Dean was asleep!

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