Chapter 12

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The world was still once again. No bombs were dropping from battleships, there was no torrential rain, and there were no screams of pain from the witch as she clutched Howl's heart. It seemed as if the world had just gone silent, unable to make any sound after the pain that had just been inflicted. 

Sophie walked through the door, contemplating everything that she had just seen in Howl's childhood. How young he had looked, watching all those stars fall from the heavens. How Y/N had emerged just after Howl had made a deal with Calcifer to give up his heart. How the two of them had been in love even then, all those long years ago. 

As Sophie walked through the door she was met with a heartbreaking sight. A mound of feathers, heaped over like a small hill, dead in every way but the small bit of life that remained within the missing heart. The mound of feathers heaved in pain as it tried to gather another breath, and Sophie slowly stepped up to it. A drop of liquid dripped down from Howl's face and Sophie inhaled sharply before pulling the feathers away from the man's face.

"Howl," she asked. When she saw the forlorn look in his eyes, she felt her heart break. Blood dripped from his body and she cleared her throat, trying not to sob at the sight. "I'm sorry. Did I come too late? I didn't mean to make you wait this long." She leaned forward and pressed a kiss to Howl's cheek. "I need you to take me to Calcifer."

Howl didn't move and for the longest time, Sophie thought he wouldn't, but then, his body shifted and his wings dropped something on the ground in front of her. Sophie gasped as she saw Y/N's limp body a black mark on her back and her chest from where the lightning had struck her. She kneeled and cradled Y/N closer to her, pulling her tight against her chest. She understood what Howl was saying. He didn't want to leave Y/N behind. 

As carefully as she could, Sophie sat on Howl's foot when he revealed it, making sure that she and Y/N were secure before holding onto Howl's leg in a silent gesture that he was okay to start flying. Though Sophie felt broken for Howl's almost dead self, she couldn't stop thinking about how Markl would react to Y/N's loss of life. He loved the woman more than anything else in this world, and yet here she was, dead, without a pulse, never to smile again.

Soon, they found what was left of the castle, a single platform slowly walking through the wastes, directed by Turnip Head. Howl flew down and landed on one side of it, slumping over and collapsing on the deck. As soon as his body hit the wood, the feathers disappeared, leaving an unconscious man in place of the bird-like creature. Sophie sniffed and gently lay Y/N next to him. She gently flipped Howl over and moved the hair away from his face. 

"Y/N?" Markl asked, walking over to the woman. "Howl?" A choked sob escaped him as he saw the mark on Y/N's chest.

Sophie got to her feet and walked over to the Witch of the Waste, kneeling in front of her and holding her hand out for Howl's heart. "Howl needs that back now," she said. 

"Don't look at me. I don't have it. I don't know what you're talking about," the witch rambled, trying as best she could to hide the flickering blue flames in her hands.

Sophie embraced the witch and held her tight, surprising the old woman at the act of kindness. "Please. Please give it back."

The witch felt her resolve breaking and sighed. "You really want it that badly?"

"Yes," Sophie cried, letting go of the hug.

"All right then," the witch said, holding out the heart for the young girl. "You better take good care of it." She held it out. "Here, dear."

"Thank you," Sophie whispered. "You have a big heart." She kissed the witch on the cheek and stood, turning back to Howl. She knew that she wouldn't be able to bring Y/N back, but at least Howl's heart wasn't directly wounded. 

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