Cracked Porcelain

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He's fussier than usual as he dresses her, retying the bow at the back of the powder blue dress, adjusting the petticoats (she has never worn petticoats before; who wears petticoats?) beneath the skirt. "You need to be good for me, you understand?" Levi strokes her collarbone with his thumb. He's just finished securing her hair in two neat braids.

She nods.

He's stressed. Gilda has no idea why he's stressed. Is something going on?

It's also earlier than he usually has her getting ready, and he has a pack to the side

Levi rubs circles into the back of her hand as he walks her through the building, down to the entry hall. There stands Commander Smith, alert for the early hour. He must have just arrived at Trost, yet he bears no sign of the journey.

"Ah, there you are." The tall man favors the pair with his warm smile.

Levi stops a few paces away, nodding, then tugs her into his side. He takes her chin in hand and turns her face toward him. "I have to leave for a few days, so Erwin has agreed to watch you. You're to obey anything he tells you to do, do you understand?"

Her eyes flit toward the commander before meeting Levi's stone grey gaze again. "Yes, Levi." There are questions in her voice, layered and confused and tangled.

"He knows your routine, and he knows where the lines are. I trust Erwin to respect my rules for you." He sighs and pulls her into a tender kiss, then walks her the rest of the way to the other man.

Erwin places a hand on her shoulder, causing the girl to nearly jump out of her skin. He's touching her right in front of Levi, and Levi doesn't bat an eye. "She'll be fine, Levi."

"Tch." He cups her cheek. "You'll be good?" Her nod is shy, aware of the extra pair of eyes on them. "That's my girl." He lays one last kiss on her forehead before he's out the door, leaving the two alone.

Erwin rubs her shoulder in an attempt to be comforting. "You look lovely, my dear."

"Thank you." Her eyes burn and she doesn't know why.

Erwin leads her back up to Levi's quarters, taking the seat behind the desk. She stands static beside him, unsure of what he wants her to do. "Are you alright, love?"

"I'm not sure what I'm supposed to be doing."

"Well, what do you usually do?" the commander asks. "What does Levi have you do?"

Her fingers dance over the cotton of her dress, but she stops her fidgeting once she realizes what she's doing. "Sometimes I sit on the coach, or read in the room, or sit on Levi's... lap." Her cheeks flush, but Erwin doesn't react as though she's said anything unusual.

"Yes, he told me to provide you with affection. I was quite surprised that he's so doting; he's never seemed the sort." He sets his hands on her waist, easily lifting her and placing her on one thigh.

He's massive; it's nothing like sitting with Levi, who isn't much larger than she is despite his strength. Erwin is tall and broad and she feels that she has shrunken to the size of a doll.

Breakfast comes to the office and she starts to think Erwin is enjoying taking care of her since he insists on cutting her food for her, bringing the fork to her lips for every bite.

"Such a good girl," he commends once they have finished, the hand still on her waist squeezing gently. "Levi chose well when he chose you."

The words are like a slap to her cheek, making her flinch against his chest. The old spark of outrage, the one Levi always easily smothered, flared hot against her ribs.

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