⚪️Chapter 9⚪️ Just part of the job babe~

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"Hey boys remember me~?"


Carmelos pov-

I look over shocked to see Rudy standing in the door way and leaning against the frame very casually.. almost like he wasn't even aware of what was happening-

"R-r-r" hendon stuttered sounding utterly terrified.

Rudy smirked at this and looked at him,  "R-R-R- Really hendon? Now you don't even know my name? Thought you would've already had it drilled into your head the first time we met.. remember that?"

Hendon was visibly shaking as he yelled, "SHOOT HIM!"

Suddenly the light bulb shattered and I got down ducking behind the couch with my gang for cover as random gun shots were heard along with thuds, slamming, and more shattering of glass. Soon some emergency lighting came on and I poked my head up to see Rudy with a gun pointed at a man who he had just shot in the chest.

Rudy watched the man as he feel to the floor and chuckled at the thud that came after.  Hendon stood up and ran over grabbing a gun of one of the dead body guards and held it pointing it at Rudy with  shaking hands, "s-stay away! You bastard!"

"Ouch- that hurts Henden~ you know this is all just part of my job babe~ Someone wants you dead.. someone who you hurt."

I wanted to say something but Francis immediately pulled me down with a warning glare.

Rudy's pov:

Hendon knew what happened last time he pointed a gun at me and that made me smirk just seeing his efforts to look tough..
I walk over to hendon as he cussed at me to get away...but I only got closer swiftly stealing his gun. I looked at the gun smiling contently before pushing hendons face to turn it... I then shot him and watching him fall.
All of this tired me out so I lazily dropped the gun next to Hendons body to make it look like a murder suicide.

My gaze then turned to the couch where I knew the group of men were hiding behind.

"you can come out.."

Francis pov:

"You can come out.."

I looked at Carmelo who seemed to consider which pissed me off but before I could say anything he stood up and so did rice and luka.. I sigh before standing to face the once innocent boy turn homicidal..

Carmelo was first to speak, "t-thanks..."

"Yeah yeah whatever...," Rudy rolled his eyes. He seemed pissed but his attitude seemed to fade as a idea seemed to pop up.

"Just so you know you owe me now.."

I look at his pissed as asked, "what the hell for? Why the hell are you here??"

Rudy looked at me and I suddenly felt small..

"Well first off I saved your asses, secondly you got in my way."

"How did we get in your way exactly?" I glared at him but he just scoffed at me and swayed in his spot as he started to explain.

"Well my plan was too kill him with a poison needle that would've make it look like death of natural causes became the poison I have does not show up in forensic labs. But, nooooooooooooo you wanted to show up and make me kill three other people."

Carmelo rolled his eyes and spoke up, "Well it's not like we knew you wanted to kill him-"

"I didn't want to kill him. It's simply my job. I don't kill people I'm associated with.. that would link me to shit.. but usually by murders are ruled as suicides, accidental, natural, etc." Rudy hissed obviously taking offense.

Carmelos pov:

Part of his job?... but... then that means...

"After all... if I couldn't do that what kind of assassin would I be~?"

(((Damn- Carmelo probably thinks that's hot- Jkjk.)

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