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They sat alone in the tunnels. Their clothes drenched from muddy water, and dirt skidded over various parts of visible skin. Alone, and content. Shuffling of wind tunneling through and scraped the walls as they fiddled with their thumbs. Ray sighed, picking up her knees with her hands hugging them into her chest. Taking a glance around before her eyes laid on the others. She reached a hand out, but pulled back after a thought slipped her mind. Tucking them back into her chest, she scoffed a scoff laced with desperate disappointment.

"It was a good run.." Yuno started, rubbing the back of his neck with his helmet in his lap. His hair fell over his face as his head hung low. "It was.. the best run because I was with you." They all knew he was trying- trying to appear..positive or at least the best he could be.

"Do you think they'll find us?" April spoke up, her voice visibly shaken. "Do you think they'll really hurt us? What if they.. What if they make us choose? Do you think Randy bought us enough time? Will we be ok here? Do-"

"April, stop talking. Please just stop talking." Ray the first to pick her head up and face the red-haired girl that sat across from her. Ray ran her hands through her hair, ruffling it in frustration. A tear caught her eye, laying a trail down April's cheek, making a clear path through the faded hearts. "Listen, I'm sorry. Ok, I'm sorry. I'm just really stressed out. Don't cry." She rocked onto her knees and pulled her into her arms.

"Everything will be alright. I'm sure Randy is doing all he can. I promise everything will be ok." He smiled even though the two couldn't see. A glance is all that took for him. Just a glance formed a lump in his throat. Coughing, he looked away at either ends of the abyss-like tunnel and swallowed down the ache. "We should probably find a way out of here."

He stood, taking a hand in both of his, pulling them up with him. Hunching over just a bit, he tucked the falling strands of hair on both of their faces behind their ears. Embraced them with his hand rubbing their backs and brought them under his arms as they all carefully walked through the slushed water even further into the tunnel.

After some bit Ray's phone rang, stopping dead in her tracks she looked at the unknown number. Hesitantly, she looked up at the two with unsure eyes. The first couple of rings rang with them standing as still as possible. "Should I answer it?" her voice meeker than normal; was barely audible. Yuno shook his head. "But what if it's Randy?"

"No, Ray. We can't risk it." Yuno said firmly. "We can't risk anything that will put us in danger." He took the phone from her hands, silencing it, and slipped it into his pocket. "Let's focus on finding the nearest shop to change, ok?" His voice was calm like an eye of a tornado. Yuno was always like that for Ray. Reasoning with her, and speaking in a gentle tone for her.

April stayed silent watching the other two talk to each other. Quietly observing until she heard a splash echo through the tunnel. "Did you guys hear that?" Her ears perked in the direction it came from, making her head turn. Stepping out of Yuno's hold, and taking a smooth step forward.

"April, I think it's just us.-" Ray grabbed her wrist.


"I agree with Ray. We haven't seen anyone for hours." Yuno nodded.

"I guess.." She scanned as far as she could into the darkness, until she heard more splashes of water. Stumbling back, April tugged on Yuno's sleeve and Ray's harness. "Fuck. No, we gotta go."

"You're freaking out over nothing April." Ray laughed uncomfortably rummaging through her pockets for her night vision goggles she bought the other day. "I can prove it to you, ok. Wait Yuno did you take my goggles?"

She punched her brothers arm. "Oh yea, I forgot to give them back from earlier."

"No, guys!" She whisper yelled. "I don't think this is the right time to be standing around. We have to get going."

Slipping the goggles over her head and adjusting them before looking ahead. "Calm down, April. For fucks sake, no one is down here with u-" Her eyes proved her wrong as she saw bodies approaching her, her brother, and her friend. They formed a line, one head following close behind the other, until they disbanded into a flooding group. "Shit. Run. RUN." She helped April up onto the ledge and rushed her forward. Shoved the goggles into her bag, tossing Yuno his helmet and a browning. "I got your back. Go take April to our safe house. Do you remember it?"

"Yes.. yes I do, but what about you?" Yuno yanked her arms turning his head to April and back at his sister. "I'm not just gonna leave you here. I can't- I won't, Ray Mond." He searcher her eyes until a glimpse of a beaming light caught the corner of his eye.

"But you will." She pushed him up the ledge, too. "Get a new phone, and crush both of yours before get rid of them. I'll reach out when I can. Just go. You need to leave. There's an escape hatch to your right over there. I will buy you some time."

"But Ray-" Both April and Yuno spoke.

"I said GO." Her yell echoed, making her gulp down her words as she heard the splashing from earlier become more aggressive hurdling towards them.

A sob fell from April's lips as she stepped back, covering her mouth with tears in her eyes. Yuno's lips sealed shut as he rolled his eyes fighting off tears and threw on the helmet. He grabbed April by the wrist and began running where his sister pointed.

Tilting her head back, she let out a deep breath trying to keep the emotions contained. She reached her phone from her pocket and dialed the number that called her just moment before. It rang for just a moment, the same ring came closer to her.. a ring she recognized.

"You have a cute act." He said on the other end.

"So do you." She responded sarcastically as the owner of the voice appeared in front of her, leading her gang with pointed guns.

"Where are they going?" He hung up, taking a foot closer, dusting off her shirt.

"Some place you aren't." Slapping his hands away, letting her phone drop into the water. "You'd have to kill me before you get anything out of me."

"You think I wouldn't?" He face nearing hers. A smug glare played his eyes, staring into her grey ones.

"That's the thing. I know you will, Randy." She smiled to the slightly taller male. "But do you think you can?"

1152 words.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2022 ⏰

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