c!Ranboo in the Backrooms

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"Maybe a little to the left!" Tubbo shouted from below to Ranboo who was up in the scaffolding, putting up some decor in Snowchester for Micheal's birthday.

They hadn't been working for very long, but there was much work to be done, mostly inside the mansion where most of the stuff will be occurring. As Ranboo nailed in the last piece, he began clambering down from the scaffolding, destroying it as he went down.

"Careful, Boo!" Tubbo yelled, a second too late as whatever was headed towards Ranboo hit him in the side of the head, making him lose balance, and the ender hybrid began falling towards the ground.

He tried pulling out his water bucket, but was too slow, the ground meeting his face harshly, and everything went black.


Ranboo gasped awake, spots clouding his vision, and a headache making itself apparent as he shook his head in an attempt to clear the visual obstructions. He winced, holding his forehead, before realizing something was off.

This wasn't Snowchester. Or anywhere else he recognized. Where was his armor?

He looked up in confusion, taking in his surroundings.

Whatever room he was in had two doorways, those doorways just leading to more rooms and more endless walls and halls. The walls were off-yellow, some sort of design on them. The air was a musty wet carpet smell, Ranboo wrinkling his nose in disgust, and the carpet felt damp, but not enough to cause him any pain.

The air was filled with the buzzing of whatever lights were on the ceiling. The buzzing was loud and irritating in his ears, like a fly that wouldn't leave him alone.

He just shrugged it off with the flick of his ear. It was less important than figuring out where he was and how to get out of there.

Ranboo stood up nervously, the ceiling being plenty tall enough to accommodate for his height thankfully, looking out one of the doorways and seeing nothing but endless walls, halls, and rooms, all the same off-yellow with a pattern. Was it a maze? He walked forward, through a couple of the rooms, taking a couple turns, and was already very lost. Was there even a starting point?

Walking a bit more, he had the thought to call out, see if anything else was here, but that could attract unwanted attention from anything that might live here, and he didn't want to risk that, so he kept his mouth shut and just continued walking.

After an unknown amount of time, Ranboo began becoming paranoid. He wasn't finding anything like an exit, and anything that looked like it might've been one just ended up leading to more mono-yellow walls and endless halls.

I need a watch, Ranboo thought to himself. He knew that Sam had always had one whenever he was the Warden to not lose track of time while in the prison, and Ranboo was beginning to think that was a pretty smart idea.

Sustenance. Food, water. Ranboo didn't think about that until right now. He'd already looked in his inventory, but it was completely empty. His throat was dry. Not enough that it hurt, but dry enough that it was a bother. He'd come across a couple wet spots on the ceiling that had been dripping some sort of liquid, but Ranboo had enough common sense to not drink it.

A couple minutes - hours? - later, he eventually stumbled upon something different; an item. He went over to where it lay on the ground, picking it up and examining it.

"'Almond water'..." he read softly, wincing at how scratchy his voice was. Water. His relief of finding some sort of water overpowered his confusion of what an 'almond' was.

Going to open it, he realized with a gladful warble that it was sealed, meaning it shouldn't be contaminated. He took a sniff of it to make sure it didn't smell sour at all - it smelled more sweet than bad - before taking a sip.



Ranboo nearly melted as the sweet liquid soothed his throat, having to force himself to put it down before drinking the whole bottle, unsure of the next time he'd find any more of the drink.

Hopefully there's some food around as well, Ranboo thought. He'd found the water by walking forever, maybe there'll be some food as well.

Putting the Almond Water in his inventory, he began walking in a random direction again in hopes to find more food or drink.

As people tend to do, Ranboo tripped on air.

And fell.



Similar to when he'd fallen from the Snowchester building, Ranboo jolted awake, earning a scream from somebody else in the room.

Somebody else?

Ranboo looked around frantically from where he was laying in a bed, eyes landing on Tubbo who was standing around, jumping out from under the covers and pulling the shorter into a hug.

"Hey Ranboo," Tubbo said, hugging Ranboo back. "You're being a little clingy."

Ranboo hugged him for a little longer before stepping back. "How long was I out?" he asked.

"Not very long, maybe 45 minutes max," Tubbo replied, confusing Ranboo.

It had felt like he was in those halls for hours, how had he only been out for only just a few minutes?

"You alright Boo?" Tubbo asked, getting Ranboo to look back at him.

"I- just- uh- yeah," Ranboo answered, turning to go back outside. "Yeah, I'm fine. Let's go back to putting up decorations."


The decorations didn't take incredibly long, just a lot of scaffolding. As the sun set, just the two of them watching the sky darken, Ranboo yawned largely, jaw popping as it unhinged slightly before snapping shut. "I'm headed to bed," he said, standing from the grass and going over to the mansion, up the stairs to his and Tubbo's shared room.

Letting out a sigh, he flopped down on the bed, falling asleep almost instantly.


Ranboo opened his eyes slowly, expecting to just see the roof of the mansion above his head.

He was poorly mistaken.

Instead, there was a concrete ceiling above him, and he immediately noticed the slight burning on one of his hands where it lay on the floor, sitting up and pulling it to his chest where he cradled it softly in hopes the burning would disappear quickly.

Wherever he was was an empty building made of pure concrete, pillars holding up the ceiling. Standing, Ranboo had to bend down slightly to prevent his horns from scraping the top.

Where am I now? he asked himself.

He didn't have much time to think before there was a noise, a sort of buzzing, and the lights flickered before going out, leaving the area in complete darkness. Normally, even just the smallest specks of light, lik the Moon, would be enough for REanboo to see. But there was nothing here, pitch black.

His breathing picked up as he stepped carefully, holding his arms out to not bump into any pillars, and letting out a hiss every time he stepped in a puddle.

Even after a while of it being dark, Ranboo basically accepted the the lights probably wouldn't be turning back on, worry winding its way through his mind through his chest and into his heart.

The other time when he'd been knocked out, when he fell off the building, it was just endless halls with nothing. But this was different. We're there any creatures here? There might be.

His question was answered as he heard a growl from behind, spinning around quickly as if he'd be able to see anything in this blackness. The growls became louder as the creature approached, and Ranboo's heart rate picked up.

Last thing he remembered was something ramming into his upper body and his head slamming against the ground.

1285 words

It's not much, but this has been in the works for like- the past months so I quickly finished it up just as some sort of content this summer

Hope you liked it, even if it was small


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