𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓽𝓱𝓻𝓮𝓮

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~Charlie's POV~

1993 June 12th

I woke up around 6 to Holly jumping on me. "Bloody
dog." I groaned getting up and grabbing my wand. I headed to my closet to change into my work clothes and headed downstairs and grabbing myself some jelly toast and fixing Holly a bowl of food.

As I sat there eating I heard my floo go off signaling that Ophelia had arrived.

As I walked into the grand hallway I saw Ophelia brushing floo dust off her skirt. "You have a lovely home." She said glancing around the Hall when Holly came crashing into her making her stumble back a bit into my chest. "Well hello Holly!" She said pushing herself of my chest and petting Holly. "Oh Charlie are you alright? I apologize Holly's jump packs a punch ." She said rubbing my shoulder.

"Alright well if you are ready we should be going." I said snapping out of my thoughts. "I'm ready." She said patting Holly on the head once more before we walked out the front door.

"So where are we going?" She asked as we walked down towards the river we met at. "Where going down to the river to see if any new new babies have hatched." I explained as we got down to the dragon eggs. "Ooo Swedish Short-Snout eggs!" She said sitting down next to them in the grass. "So all where doing today is watching eggs?" She asked me as I sat down next to her. "Pretty much." I answered as we sat in silence looking out onto the forest that surrounded.

"It's quite beautiful out here." She said looking at the river that was moving peacefully at its own pace. "Quite." I said staring at her reflection in the water.


Hours later it was beginning to get dreary outside so we had decided to head back to my cottage until the rain stopped.

"So did you go to Hogwarts?" I asked as we sat on one of the balconies. "Yes I did actually I was a year below you." She said taking a sip of her tea. "Then how did I not know you? I knew nearly everyone." I asked also taking a sip of my tea. "Well for starters I was a Ravenclaw and Gryffindor and Ravenclaw rarely have classes together let alone mixed years. I was also one of the 'freaks' as the Slytherins and A few Gryffindors called me so you probably didn't do much talking to me." She went on. "Though I did have some classes with you brother Percy we used to get partnered up a lot in Potions and DADA though I don't think he liked me much said I was 'ruining his reputation' and what not." She finished taking a sip of her tea again and taking a biscuit.

"Percy wasn't always the nicest person to be around but he has a good heart... sometimes." I said the last part quietly drowning out her laughter with the thought of wanting to tell him off for being rude to her but I brushed it off as big brother instincts. "I ran into Fred and George quite often as well seeing as I helped them find there way around the castle but I never got to know them well enough to count them as a friend. There where always in a rush to get to class so they'd just thank me and run off. Quite funny really." She inquired with a smile on her face.

"There where trouble makers even in there first year. I don't know how you lasted two years without a single prank!" I exclaimed. "I got pranked the first day they arrived!" I was in shock honesty I thought everyone had been pranked by the twins. "They did talk about a nice girl in Ravenclaw that helped them around the castle every now and again though I thought they where talking about a painting." I said remembering a conversation I overheard once.


"Who's our next victim!" Fred said plopping down on the common room couch while I was doing homework. "We could prank Ravenclaw tower." Fred said. "Well what about that one girl who helps us around the castle, she's a Ravenclaw and I'd bet she's be in there." George reminded Fred. "That's true she's sweet to prank, I'd feel bad. She's the main reason we found all those passageways." Fred went on. "We could ask her for help with homework in the library. That would get her out for at least three hours plenty of time to set up a prank, set off the prank, and not have to worry about her running into it! It's perfect. Where brilliant George!" Fred said happily running out the portrait hole George hot on his tail and all I could think about was that poor Ravenclaw.


Snapping out of it as I realized the rain had stopped but it was starting to get dark outside now since the sun was setting. "I didn't realize how long we had been talking for. Would you like to come inside and have dinner with me before you go home since I believe the eating area isn't open anymore." I said standing up and waving my wand to clear the tea cups. "That would be nice." Was all she said taking the hand I offered her to stand up.

"I can help cook if you'd like." She offered as we walked inside the cottage and into the kitchen. "Your welcome to help if you'd like, But only if you'd like." I said while accioing the ingredients to make dinner. "I'd love to help." She said walking into the kitchen next to me. "What are we making?" She asked while using her wand to secure her hair behind her head. "I was think shepherds pie. What do you like?" I asked. "I quite like shepherds pie." She said and started accioing the last ingredients while I grabbed the pots and pans that where needed.


As we finished dinner we sat in my dining room talking about or families. "My mother died when I was 6 on an Auror mission. So My father raised me for most my life, and somehow dragons where like an escaped when I missed her." She said while we cleaned the dishes. "I'm sorry that must have been awful." I said giving her a sad smile. "It was for a while but I've learned to live with it, plus my obsession with dragons started because of her so I thank her for that." She said giving me a reassuring smile. "Are any of your siblings Aurors?" She asked placing a plate in a cabinet. "No but my older brothers a curse breaker in Egypt." I said putting the final dishes away. "That's sound like a lovely job." She said.

"Well it's getting late so I should be going, I should see you around?" She asked pulling the wand from her hair and letting it cascade down her back. "Shouldn't I see you tomorrow?" I asked confused. "Well tomorrows the weekend and I have an event scheduled tomorrow at Hogwarts! It's my first event and I'm ecstatic!" She said bouncing on her heels a smile plasters on her face. "That's tomorrow?" I knew I had a speech at Hogwarts coming up soon but I hadn't expected it to be so soon. "Your coming!" She asked happily will bouncing on her heels. "I think so, I should go find what I'll be wearing." I said nearly walking upstairs but remembering Ophelia was still here.

"Goodnight Ophelia I'll see you tomorrow." I said pulling her into my arms and holding her to my chest for a moment taking in her scent. "Goodnight Charles." She said reciprocating my hold on her rapping her arms around my torso. As we pulled away I cupped her face in may heads and kissed her forehead making a blush cover her nose and cheeks. "I'll be going now. Have a Goodnight." She said covering her face with her hair a bit as she walking into the floo and yelled her address.


Hours later my bag was packed and I was laying in bed with Holly curled up next to me and as I fell asleep all I could think about was Ophelia and the way she smelled like vanilla and peach mixed with mango.

Every time I think about her I feel a weird fuzzy feeling in my stomach, it felt different, odd?

Authors notes:

Guess who has a pimple in there eye! But I'm still writing lol 😂

Also just act like there's summer school for the kids like Tommy boi (Tom Riddle) who live in an orphanage and want to stay threw the summer.

Anyways stay hydrated for the love of Lunas Nargels <3

Words: 1442

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