A WonderCorp Engagement

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"I couldn't have dreamed you into existence because I didn't even know I needed you. You must have been sent to me."― Kamand Kojouri

"Want me to meet you in National City?" Kara smiled into the phone, waiting for Diana to answer. "The day after tomorrow?" She stopped talking again, smile growing. "Lena is going to be so surprised." The smile was still on her face as she disconnected the call and dialed Sam.


Sam's SUV slowed to stop at the Midvale Train Station and leaned over to kiss Kara. "Be careful, sweetheart.""Don't worry, I'll be fine." Kara grinned as she kissed her wife back. "We are going to do lunch at Noonan's and then ring shopping for Lena." Sam pulled her closer, kissing her again and placing her hand on Kara's stomach. "I'll call as soon as I get in the car with Diana.""You'd better, Supergirl." Sam smiled as she pulled away. "Now go, before you miss your train.""Love you, Sami." Kara grinned. "See you tomorrow.""Love you too, Kara." Sam smiled back. Then drove off after Kara grabbed her overnight bag from the backseat.


Kara took her seat and settled in, leaning back and relaxing. She closed her eyes as the other passengers took their places, and reached out with her hearing. Her eyes popped open and she turned to look down the aisle, catching Nia's purple hued eyes with her own. She immediately opened the text message app on her phone and typed a message to her sister. 'Nia? Really?' She sat, staring at the screen as three dots appeared.'I didn't send Nia to watch over you?' Alex responded quickly.'Ruby?' Kara typed. Then sent the same message to Nia.Nia appeared at her side a moment later. "Yes. I tried to tell her you would know I was here." She sat in the empty seat across from Kara and reached out. "She's worried about her Jeju." "I will be fine, Nia." Kara promised."I know, but everyone..." Nia stopped as Kara interrupted."Is worried and concerned." Kara continued. "I promise I'll be fine.""Tell that to the four agents Alex has on the train." Nia giggled. She caught the gleam in Kara's eye. "Of course, you already knew that?""I picked up their coms gear when I got on the train." Kara chuckled back. "She knows I'll know."


Diana left her lab at L Corp's primary campus in National City and headed down to the garage. She arrived at her car and quickly tapped a message out to Lena, who was in Gotham, visiting the offices there and visiting with Harley and Ivy. 'I'm off to lunch.''Oh? Should I be jealous?' Lena texted back.'I'm getting to see Kara.' Diana tapped as she took her place in the driver's seat and pressed the start button. 'I wanted to discuss something with her and she decided to join me in the city.''Make sure she is careful.' Lena texted back. 'Tell her I will see her soon and that I'm sorry I missed her.'Diana sat and stared at her phone for a moment, patiently waiting.'I love you, Diana.' Lena's text came through.'Love you too, Lena.' Diana smiled at the screen. Diana backed her dark grey sports car out of her spot and headed towards the train station.


The train slowed to a halt and Kara stretched, pushing herself to a standing position and tapping Alex's number into her phone. "You can call off my protective detail now."Nia laughed as she heard Alex's answer. "I'm just making sure you are safe.""I'm Supergirl." Kara whispered with a grin, then a very serious look crossed her features, her eyes shining with unshed tears at the gesture. "Thank you, Alex."Nia grinned even harder as she grabbed Kara's bag. "C'mon boss, your ride is probably here already."Kara stepped gingerly off the train.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2022 ⏰

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