Maruponchi was a young prietecit woman with buen cuerp, who hadded an accident in a biciclet, and perdid various of the partealant dients. She dedicated herself to the prostitutions, and in such situation, her negociations would baj bastant.
Then Maruponchi comenzated to piens, and to invent. And then, derrepent, her priet bombill enciended! She tuved an idea, and it was that she would tir a paj to the mans with her espace where lefaltan dient.
The ency paj, she llamated it. Because she tirated it with the ency, and that mism noch, her first client apparecied. She sonried, and the client mirated her intrigated, because she had tremendous culing but no dient.
She was undiented in the part alant.Then she dijed: "do you want the ency paj?" And the client yessed.
Entounsz she comenzated to calient his pantalonings to make the verg put hard. And when he was durísim, she sonried and dijed: "fornic me in the dientless zone." The client, who was excitadísim, no duded niporunsegund in doing so, and entierred the verg into Maruponchi's boc.Amedid that the client was fornicking her, the cabezit of the ping started to stimulate the punt G of the cieling in Maruponchi's boc, and then she had an orgasm in the face.
Her boc pasmated in climax, and the ojings where in a constant abreycierr; she was disfruting it. Then, from one moment to another, she dijed: "mmmfghhfmffhfmfhggh"
And the client eyaculated there mism.Unospoc months later, Maruponchi was embarazated in the head, and the fetus caused the brain to be aprieted, and then Maruponchi fallecied from a cerebral infart.
What an asc.