Chapter 2; Summer

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It was hot outside, and a bunch of cicadas was crying out loud. I just woke up from my sleep. I yawn, get up from my bed and open my bedroom door. I walked to the hallway and then to the kitchen where I greeted Dell cooking breakfast.
"Good morning, Dell."
"Mornin" replied Dell with a smile. "How was your sleep pal?" Asked Dell,
"Oh, pretty good actually, I slept well," I
"Glad to hear that," Dell said while he continued to cook. I walked to Dell to see what he was cooking ''What are you cooking?'' I asked, ''Oh, this? I'm cookin' omelet!''

''Niice!, can i-'' ''Hm- Hm hmm!.. I smell something delicious here!'' Just as I was going to ask Dell if I can help him, Seina interfered. ''Oh, Seina it's you,'' I said.
''Yeah! Uh... What you cooking? Engie?'' Asked Seina as she walked to Dell. ''Cookin' omelet. It's almost ready.'' ''Nice! I'll call the others. Wanna come with me, Jeremy?'' ''Oh, sure!'' I said. ''Alright, I'll get the plates ready.'' ''OK!'' I said cheerfully and exited the kitchen with Seina. We both walked to the living room and found Pyro and Aya drawing together at the table

''Hey, Aya, Pyro!'' ''Oh! Good morning Jeremy, Seina-San!'' ''Huddah huddah! (Good morning!)'' Pyro and Aya greeted us happily. ''Goood morning!! What are you two drawing?'' Asked Seina.
Pyro puts down their colored pen on the table and shows us what they're drawing.


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"Aww...That's so cute! Oh, and by the way, breakfast is ready.''
''Yeah! He made us omelets for breakfast!'' I answer. ''Omelet?,'' Aya replied disappointed. '' I'd rather eat steamed rice and grilled fish for breakfast,'' reply Aya. "Aww, come on Aya, don't be disappointed!" incline Seina

"Yeah, I bet it'll taste delicious!" Aya gets up and lets out a sigh, "...Alright, let's go to the kitchen."
''Yeah!!! Let's go!'' I said eagerly. We all head to the kitchen to eat breakfast.
We sat down at the dining table, and we start to eat our breakfast.
"Hmm...It is delicious!" Said Aya as she eats the omelet

''Told ya,'' I said while chewing the omelet in my mouth. The room was silent for a moment until Dell said something. ''Ya know, since it's summer and we all have our day off why don't we go somewhere?''
''That's a great idea! We should do that.''
''Alright, do y'all have in mind where we should go?'' Asked dell.
''How about we go hiking in the mountains? We could see the beautiful scenery and...Get some fresh air there!''
Aya suggested.

''Uh... I don't think that's a great idea...'' I commented
''Hm? Why not?'' asked Aya
''It'll be tiring! I can't go on a hike! Besides, er...I think it will be dangerous.''
I never liked the idea of going on a hike, considering urban legends and folktales I heard when I was a child. Even cases I've seen on the news.

"How about we go city escape? I know a place."

Suddenly spy appears out of nowhere.
"Ah! Spy didn't know you were here!" said me and Seina
''Where were you?" asked Dell.
"I was outside having a phone call. Anyways, excuse me." Spy walked to his chair, then he sat down.
"Hm... I wonder who were you talking to? Your significant other?" Seina joked

"It's none of your business you dummy."
Seina laughed hearing Spy respond "Pfft-hahaha! I'm just joking with you, Spy."
Spy rolled his eyes "whatever."
"Anyways, Spy, you said you know a place right? Can you tell us?" I asked.

''I know a perfect place for all of us to have fun, that is...''

''That is...?''
''The beach. We can have fun there, there's an amusement park near the beach, a hotel, and also a diner.''
''I'm not finished yet. There's a beachfront landmark that offers bonfires and surf lessons too.''
''Woah... Yo, that sounds fun!!! We should go there!'' I responded excitedly, I looked at the others ''What do you guys think?'' I added.
''I agree with Jeremy!'' Seina agreed.
Everyone agreed with Spy's idea. We liked the idea of going to the beach, except for Aya.

"I don't agree with Spy's idea! How about we just go on a hike?? It's refreshing and healthy! My mother and I used t-"
"Yeah, yeah, enough with that. I don't wanna hear you talk about you and your goddamn mother."

Aya gets up from her chair and shouts angrily.
"Wha- What the hell was that for?!" her face was furious hearing I insulted her

Dell also gets up from his chair and tries to calm Aya down.
"Alright, alright, let's not fight.
Look, how about we do a vote? Whoever gets the most votes, we'll all go there.'' Dell stopped for a moment and looks at me and Aya. ''How does that sounds to you, Aya, Jeremy?'' Asked Dell. We looked at each other irritated and rolled our eyes "Fine." We both replied.

"Okay, if you all wanna vote just raise your hands alright? 'Kay, who votes for going to the beach?"
Everyone including Dell raised their hand except Aya. "And who votes for going on a hike?"
Aya raised her hand.

Dell looks at everyone and grabs his notepad and pencil from his pocket bag and starts to write. "5 votes for the beach, 1 vote for hiking," Dell announced out loud. I, Seina, and pyro were excited to hear the announcement but Aya was a bit disappointed, Seina saw Aya's disappointed face and try to cheer her up. "Don't be disappointed dear, I'm sure it's gonna be fun! We can do something really fun there! like, play outdoor games, make a sandcastle, anything!! oh, yeah! we can go surfing too. I promise it will be super duper fun!" Aya thought for a moment and smiles at her. ''Yeah, you're right, it'll be

''Hehe, that's the spirit!'' She grinned at Aya.
After we finished our meal, we all gather around in the living room to talk about when and what we'll do on the beach.

''Alright folks, since we've already talked about what we'll do, let's talk about when we should go to the beach.''
''How about we go at 4 pm? If we go at 4 pm we can watch the sunset there.''

I suggested. Dell looks at me and grinned and looks at the others. ''OK, what do you guys think?'' ''Sounds good to me!'' Seina responded ''I agree with Jeremy. I love watching sunsets! I'll bring my camera with me!''
Everyone agreed and Dell settled down the schedule to 4 pm. ''Alright, then that's settled! 4 pm it is!''

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