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A/N: I apologize for being MIA and the lack of updates. It's been wild since placements ended and I haven't been motivated and inspired enough to write a chapter. Better late than putting out a half hearted chapter, right? Anyway, enjoy :)

Yong-sun wakes up to the sunlight that's glaring through the windows and onto her face. She blinks a few times, opens her eyes slightly and realizes she had forgotten to close the curtains the night before.

Byul-yi stirs and let's out a tiny sigh in her sleep. Yong-sun smiles remembering that Byul-yi had stayed the night before and held her as she fell asleep.

She turns herself to face the sleeping girl, tracing her features with her eyes and studying Byul-yi's face; that was when she notices the mole above her right eye that matches her own.

Why does it feel like this has happened before?

Yong-sun opens her eyes and yawns with a stretch, finding herself lying on her pillow and in her bed after she had accidentally fallen asleep in the middle of watching a movie with her best friend.

She smiles. Byul must've carried me in from the living room.

She turned her head and sees Byul-yi, who hadn't bothered returning to her own bed for her nap lying next to her, still fast asleep.

Interesting how we have a mole at the same exact place.

She took in every single detail of Byul-yi's face, etching them into the back of her mind. Even if she was to suffer from amnesia some day for some reason, she wanted to remember Byul-yi and her beautiful face.

Little did she know, despite her best efforts to imprint Byul-yi into her brain, it would come a day where she forgets the girl.

Immersed in her own thoughts, she hadn't realize that Byul-yi is starting to awake from her sleep.

"Unnie?" Byul-yi mumbles, struggling to open her eyes and feeling Yong-sun's on her, "What time is it?"

If only I could wake up to this sight everyday, that would be perfect.

The older girl takes a quick glance at her phone, "Nine."

"Oh." Byul-yi mumbles, rubbing her eyes, "Have you been awake long?" She asks, looking at Yong-sun sleepily, "I don't usually sleep in this late."

"Fifteen minutes at the very most." Yong-sun shrugs, she hadn't taken note of the time when she woke up herself.

Byul-yi bobs her head, "Well, good morning." She smiles, rolling over so she was face to face with the other girl, "Did you sleep well?"

"The best sleep I've had in a long time." The smaller girl replies.

It is true. It's the first time she didn't have reoccurring dreams that would wake her up in the middle of the night. Though they weren't exactly "nightmares", everyone appreciates an undisturbed sleep. Of course, now that the Cold War between them is over, it definitely made her quality of sleep better as well.

The younger girl instantly frowns, "You haven't been sleeping well?" She questions, concern in her voice and wondering if she was the reason that.

Yong-sun senses Byul-yi's worry and knows immediately the reason why.

"Before you apologize, again." Yong-sun interrupts the girl before she could speak, "What matters is that we're all good now." She assures her.

Byul-yi nods softly, albeit unconvinced. The last thing she wants to do is mess up something that has barely even started - her second chance with Yong-sun.

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