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chapter 3 - you should run •


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After yesterdays events, landon stealing the knife, stefanie blamed herslelf for it because she trusted him too much

She doesn't ussualy make friends that fast but something told her that landon could be trusted, guess it was wrong

Now she is sitting in the office of school theraphist emma because they find out that she used black magic

,,Okay, lets start from the beggining" emma said, they both were sitting on the couch facing each other

,,Of my short lived but horrific friendship with liars" stefanie rolled her eyes

,,Of your decision to perform black magic on school grounds last night" emma told her, almost everyone knew what effect black magic had on her but using it also wasn't allowed in school

,,Lets talk about that until i catch the guy by using black magic who earned my trust pretty easly and use it to stole the damn knife that i actually told to not even touch it" stefanie whisper-yelled sarcastlly

,,You know there is a thing that alerts me when someone is using black magic, you knew you would be caught" emma told her calmly ignoring the last words stefanie has said

,, After i found landon but we lost the trail and now i'm being interrogated, but go ahead take your time lecturing me about black magic, i know better more then anyone what effect it has on me or that its not allowed her but it needed to be done you all should understand that" stefanie was now angry, whisper-yelling looking around the room

Emma sighs ,,did anyone help you with the spell?" She asked her

Stefanie sigh, she wasn't going to tell her that hope and josie helped her, josie was her sister so no way she would let her in trouble and hope, she just didn't want her to be in trouble ,,no" she shooked her head

Emma furrowed her eye brows ,,then how did you took the magic" she asked

,,From the wall, in this school there is magic around ya know" stefanie lied and rolled her eyes ,,can i go now?" She said annoyed

,,Stefanie, you are student this isn't your fight, especially when the black magic is involved" emma said

Stefanie cut her in ,,it is my fight, exaclly my fight emma" she said glaring at her ,,landon stole the knife because i was stupid trusting him, making promises to get him out of the celler, so now that he was sure that i trusted him and if i do everyone would, he took the knife, that stupid knife" stefanie yelled ,,and this everythin is because of me, so i am gonna help dad find him and nobody will be able to stop me from everything that i am and will do" she said with angry tone, gets up and then she leaves

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