3 - smile

48 0 0

I couldn't stop think about that girl I bumped into in the hall I think her name was lexa that's such a pretty name she was such a pretty girl and her smile om- no Clarke stop your straight

We got to my room and I opened to door to see a girl sitting on a bed at the other one of then room she had brown hair and tanned skin

"Hey" I said

"Hey" she replied

"Who are you?" The girl said whlie laying on her bed

"I'm raven you can put your stuff over there for now" she said pointing at the other side of the room

"Thank you"

"No problem"

"I'm Clarke by the way"

"Well hi then Clarke"

Then next few hours raven skipped her classes and we just talked I didn't have classes today because they wanted to give me time to un pack.

"Ok well what's your favourite tv show then" I asked her

"I don't really have one I don't watch much tv" she said which totally surprised me

"What?!?! How?"

"I don't know I just would rather do other things"

"Stranger things?"


"The vampire diaries"


"Greys Anatomy"


"Omg I'm making you watch all if of these later"

"Ugh fine"

"We should get dinner tho I was too lazy to get food this week" she said

"Your allowed to get your own food?"

"No not really but we have a kitchen so are allowed to go out on Saturdays and the food her sucks so I do it anyway"


Then start to walk to the cafeteria and whlie the walking there raven shows me where a few things are

When we got there I saw the same girl I bumped into earlier today so as we were walking by I looked at her and smiled but this time it was weird she almost started to smile back but then stopped and looked away

"If you want my suggest don't go for lexa"

"What do you mean"

"I saw that way you were just looking at her"

"Raven I'm straight"

"I think" I didn't say the last part out loud I was just thinking about it

"Ok whatever you say"

"Who is she anyway" I ask

"Her name is lexa woods and she's the most popular girl in the school she's also the captain of the volleyball team but like I was saying earlier don't get involved with her apparently she's slept with almost every in this school and now one has seen her smile in years" raven said which confused me cause I've been here for less the a day and smiled around 2 times

"What she smiles what are you taking about?"

"No she doesn't even she best friend said she hasn't smiled since she had some accident or something some people think she just doesn't know how to" she said. I got more confused

"Raven what are you taking about are you ok"

"I could ask you the same question ask anyone at this school and they will say the same thing"

"I've seen her smile and then half smile so that's bullshit"

"WHAT?!?" Raven screamed and everyone turn to look at us including lexa I smiled at her and she just looked down and blushed

"Raven quiet" I said Raven then grabbed my hand and pulled me over to a table with what looked a black haired girl and a boy that looked very well built

"O guess what"

"What and who's that"

"She's my roommate who is claiming to see lexa smile one and half times"

"What" the man said

"Lexa Lexa woods" the girl said

"Yes Lexa woods"

"Like my cousin" the guy said


"Ok what's your name where and when" both people asked

"Clarke griffin in the front when I first got here and here about 20 minutes ago what are your names"

"Mines Octavia and this is my boyfriend Lincoln"

Lexa's pov
(15 minutes earlier)

"Lexa?" One of my friends asked

"What" I said

"Why are you blushing" She asked

"I'm not" I said in a cold tone

"Yes you were who is she"

"No one I wasn't blushing"


Later that night

*knock knock*

"Come in" I said



"You smiled"

"What no I didn't when"

"Earlier today when you bummed into the new girl"


"It's ok it's good your finally starting to smile again"

"I'm not"

Lincoln went on to his phone and pulled up clarkes instagram page and pulled up a funny picture of a cat nothing dog nothing human nothing then he pulls up a funny picture of Clarke and lexa smiled "Lexa" he said well I took his photo to look at more pictures "what" I said "your smiling" he said then smiled

"Just drop it ok"  I said

"You iike her don't you"

"No I don't I don't know what your taking about"

"That's bullshit and you know it let's see how you feel when she's in a lot of your classes Tomorrow"

When we met (Clexa AU)Where stories live. Discover now