It hurts

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'Why is it so hard....? Why is life so unfair? why did I need to get stuck here?' Thought the male with black hair. "Ugh I need to keep moving or else I might get injured again or even worse" he whispered to himself. Yasu masashige was hiding a big secret...

The poor soul always would get injured by the monster brutally one time even one of them broke his ribs he didn't know if they meant that.... He was so tired exhausted he was in so much pain he is physically and mentally in pain and he was scared that he would die any moment and he won't be able to save his parents at all.....

He didnt mind to die... But he need to save his parents.... The poor guy was cover with cuts, bruises and even had a broke rib and one blind eye that he cover he cover every wound he had his hands, legs , stomach, neck and chest was full of them but what can he do he didn't have anything he to heal them with...

Well he was strong he didn't want to give up but he was tired and in pain he wanted to sleep but he couldn't he knew that they would find him

(He is in sama's maze btw)

But he had one question if he died would anyone care...? He was thinking until he heard a humming sound she was near him.... He quickly ran into one of the rooms and stayed there she didn't come..... He decided to wait.

Yasu's pov

'Ugh I am so tired I just wanna sleep but I don't wanna waste time... But if I kept going I will get more worse...' He just thought of what should he do and he decided that he will sit for won't hurt? He will take rest for some minutes and countinue

He stared at his hands for sometime and started to stare at his wounds he open his shirt to reveal alot of painful looking wounds.... "Man atleast if they wanted to kill me they should have gone easier why do they need to hurt me for it?..." He started to touch his wounds and he flinched alot it hurted so bad.... He wanted this nightmare to end..... He saw All of his wounds he was kind of upset about it but he had a bag with him.... "Why dont I check this bag I got from one of the houses? I ams o dumb what if there was something in there that would help me?" He started to open the bag he searched in it and he luckily found a bandage! "Oh god finally I will get to put something on these for sometime atleast...."

He started to put on the bandages on his legs his hands his chest every where.. he was relived atleast the won't bleed now and not to mention he needed to be careful cause if he putted alot of pressure they would have been bleeding... To say the least if some one putted pressure on them they would for sure bleed alot.... He even has problem breathing cuz of the broken rib it would pain him alot if he wouldn't be careful

"Ah much better...I am so tired it wouldn't hurt to sleep for sometime right?...." He whispered.
"Yeah it won't.... I will just sleep for some minutes... And move on.." he leaned against a wall he didn't bother to close the door because he knew she won't be able to come in he started to go in a slumber.... And after some minutes everything went black.

Sama pov

'Where is that brat I don't see him anywhere..'
Sama was roaming around trying to find the 'human' she couldn't really see him.... She was roaming around untill she saw a door opened and there was light coming from inside 'i think he is there..' she started to go towards the door and kind of peeked in to see the 'human' sleeping peacefully 'What the hell... What is he- wait a minute is he sleeping?! How the hell would someone sleep here?!' she thought and she started to try to enter the room and after some tires she enter the room she went closer and was careful bit to wake the human up.

She was about to kill him... When she stoped, she couldn't do it ... He looked so harmless like a baby sleeping.... The truth is that she some what cared for the human.... She tried to push this feeling aside because that was going to be her prey or puppet.... But she couldn't help it he looked so peaceful. She slowly walked to him and carefully picked the young male up.

No one's pov

The male groned a bit he could feel something pick him up... But he thought it was his hallucination and didn't bother to open his eye... (The other eye is covered with an eye patch he found in the bag) He was just too tired too he didn't have any energy. Sama slowly started to take him somewhere.

(In this au rage, jealousy and rebirth know each other and are free none of them are sealed etc. And they have a big place where they call of the monsters and talk that happens at points and they hate sama just the book 1 characters hate her and more. Sorry for this and I hope you understand what I am trying to do in the story)

She teleports to a big place like a mansion but a Japanese themed it was in the middke of no where... Her 'friends' where talking... It was surprising that the young male didn't wake up is he that tired? Sama then went to one of the rooms where her friends where... They all where about to greet her but when they saw a human in her arms sleeping.... They looked so shocked.. they were so surprised....

Sama was carrying a human? "WHAT THE HELL IS A HUMAN DOING HERE?!" Enzukai shouted "Shut up you will wake him up!" She whisper yelled "Sama why did you bring a human here?" Yuma asked. "Well I because I wanted to.... Now let's call a meeting." They were all surprised by her actions and then she left the room without amother word. She teleported to a room with a futon and laid the young male there. 'Why? Why do I feel so pity full and why do I want to protect him? What am I doing?' as he was putting the blankets on he started to gron he looked so peaceful and... And cute... (No ships) his skin was so place like milk and not to mention the eye patch he was wearing it was kind of confusing why did he wear it. But she left that and she slowly left the room closing the lights.

She went in the room to find all of the monsters waiting for her and staring at her in shock. "So they tokd you huh?" "Yes they did" haiachi said. "Now tell us who is that human that you bought here and why did you bring him here?" Questioned enzukai staring at her dagger's. "Well we need to keep him for sometime I know I sound crazy but we need to take care of him he seems off when I was trying to find him I saw one of the rooms open and I went to see if he is there so I can kill him and he was there but..."
"But what?" Mariachi questioned.

"He was sleeping I thought it was weird but I didn't care I was about to kill him when something stoped me there was a feeling in my chest my heart it was asking me protect him... I didn't understand and I brought him here." They all looked dumbfounded. "Wait wait so you are saying that when you found him he was... Sleeping?" Netamo asked. "That's what I said!" "So you want us to take care of him?" Enzukai asked "yeah.." "Hmmm but what does he look like?" Asked the others. "Hmm I will show you if you with kill him ." They all looked at each other and sighed "We won't" (and the monsters from the jealousy chapter are also there)

They started to walk to a room and sama told them to be quiet and they all nodded. As they enter they were greeted by a face they have seen  some of them thought. They stared at him he looked so peaceful. They couldn't remember him cause he changed alot. More different then he was he was so thin he was pale and he had dark spots under his eyes. "What's his name?" Biwaki whisper asked. "Well you might know him his name is yasu masashige.." "What?! That's the human he looks so different!" Mariachi whisper yelled. The all knew him even if some of them didn't meet him they heard about him. They all were surprised daku and Keiko were so much shocked....

That was there son that was there boy... Daku and Keiko stared to move closer slowly not to wake him up... They were so much sad he didn't even look like there son he.. he looked so much different so they have been hurting there OWN son for so long they wnated to cry. Daku putted his hand on the young makes cheek he couldn't believe it. That was his son his boy... "What are you guys doing?!" Sama whisper yelled "shut up... We have been hurting our son for so long not realizing it was him... We were so dumb!" He whispered his voice was broken really broken. The others were now more shook they were trying to process the information.

It was when....
I am sorry if this was short I will make sure to upload everyday if I got time
I hope you enjoyed sorry if it was cringe 😂
Have a nice day/night

Word count : 1674

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