so it was you

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as the history class went on all i could do was stare at paper u were writing on and then ask one simple question "hey so like how long have u lived here" and i kind of panicked and freak inside but i said so calmly said "since i was five how about u" i wish i knew in that moment that the start of conversation would be the best and worst thing to happen to me .

it's been five weeks since u first walk into my history class and it's the first holiday of the year after Christmas and me and max have officially broken up , max really didn't care what anyone else thinks he want James and James wanted him that all that mattered . u where everywhere i look if the room was full of 100 people u were the first person i would spot , i started following u on instagram about 4 days ago and your life seems so cool , your insta is pretty much you and your dog and your cat and everything about u seems so normal and right as i am stalking your page i hit the like on a photo from 2016 and my heart stops .

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2022 ⏰

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