Behind closed doors.

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(Hey guys, so this is my very first story that I want to write, the idea came to me driving home)

Chapter 1

I remember it like it was yesterday. The car accident I mean. I was 8, and my brother Justin was 12, him, my mother and I were driving home from dinner one night, and a drunk driver hit us. My mother was killed in the accident, my brother and I were fine. Well, kind of, we both had little problems, stuff that could be fixed, my mother, she had no chance. I dont know many of the details, mostly because I hit my head in the crash.

Our father struggled for years with the loss of our mother. She was a wonderful women, a kind, giving women. And I am just like her. It hurts my father and brother both sometimes. I looked like her too. I have dark red hair, bright ice blue eyes and plump red lips. I am tall standing at 5'8'' and I am lean.

Our father, well, he's been dealing with our mothers death in other ways, like alcohol. His alcohol has gotten far out of control though. He was getting more and more violent my each day that went on, and he was aging more and more every time I seen him. I felt bad for him. No matter how many times he hit me, I always felt bad.

"Christine, come here for a second please" I heard Justin called.

Oh, yeah, my name is Christine Marie Messer, and I am now 16 years old, and my brother is 18. We live alone now, we left my dads house because of the violence, it was too much after our mom died. Justin took me to a new place a few months ago to get me away from everything that was going on back at our old house.

Justin looked a lot like our father, he had dark chocolate brown hair that hung in his eyes, and he was 6'4'' with a lot of muscle. He had tan skin, unlike my pale skin and the only thing we had commun was the ice blue eyes.

I went down stairs, walking kind of slowly, and I looked at him, and he looked...diferent. Sad even.

"Dads just died. Acohol poisoning" he whispered, voice rough from crying.

Though I was still angry at my father for the pain he caused me, I felt my heart break in a way I hadn't before.

(End of chapter 1)

Chapter 2

I couldn't understand why I started to cry, but I did. I felt my brother wrap his arms around me, and I cried into his shoulder as he told me that our grandfather was coming down to see us. He lived about an hour away from us, and he was getting older so he never really came down much. Bit when he did I was always so happy, you see, my grandfather was like my bestfriend, the only person who could really ever understand me.

About an hour later I heard a knock at the door and I ran to it, flinging the door open and pressing into my grandfather who wrapped his arms around me. I lead him into the house, and we sat on the couch, I stayed pressed close and my brother came in, and they started talking. I felt like that scared little girl I was at 8 years old, pressing to my brother. I stayed curled to my grandfather.

I dont know when I fell asleep, but I did. I woke up hours later, still at my grandfathers side, I sat up a little, looking around, remembering everything that had happened, knowing it wasn't a dream. I started to cry all over again and my grandfather held me tighter to him. I love him so much, after my mom died, he was the only one I had left. I told him everything, everything I felt, everything that happened to me. Everything.

"I'll be here for you, I promise" He whispered to him, stroking my hair. I looked up at him with bug eyes and nodded. I knew I was accting like that little girl I was a long time ago, but I couldn't help it, I was scared, worried...not myself anymore.

I needed time to heal from everything, and I wasn't getting that time. Life scared me, life was cruel, life was mean. You know, I've really learned that life is almost like a huge bully. The bully that is in middle school and highschool, always making you feel like your not good enough, you know what I'm talking about, yeah, thats what life is.

I got up after a while, not eating, just needing to stretch my legs and think by myself. I went to the porch, looking out over the edge. I sighed. My mother loved porches, she always said it gave her a better view of the beauty of nature. I loved my mom for that, She always saw the most beautiful things even in the ugliest situation.

Thinking about that it made me wonder if maybe thats why she married my dad...I think it might have been.

I wish my mother was around so I could ask her, it would be easier then. I could be sure then that that was why she married him. It made me wonder if he was ever violent to her. I dont think so, he was a kind, strong man before my mother died, then it just went down hill for him. I had questions, and they needed answered. I knew no one would have the answer but my parents, and it was clear now I couldn't ask them.

Coming back in, I stepped into the small kitchen and heard whispering. I stopped and listened. It was my brother and my grandfather. I heard my grandfather speak first.

"I think its best if Christine comes back to my house with me..."

"Shes not leaving, I need her to stay with me" Justin protested.

"Its not safe here, you and I both know that, now, after everything you have to do whats best for her. Nothing good has come out of living in this small town"

"Gramp, what about me!? I can't be left alone! I need her to keep me company, to give me someone to talk to!" Justin said, begging me to stay.

"Why don't we just ask her, I bet she will want to come live with me, it's better there, you can come too, if you wish" My grandfather whispered, finishing the conversation, clearly.

Go with my grandfather? I pretty much lived at his house when I was a young girl, it was fun. I met my two best friends there, Emily, and Jason. Emily moved though when I was about 10 years old. I wondered if Jason still lived there.

I thought about it for a few minutes. Should I go with him? Maybe just for a little while and then come back.

"Christine! Could you come here for a minute!" my grandfather called, breaking my line of thoughts. I slowly made my way toward the living and sat down in a chair across from my grandfather and brother.

"We want to talk to you about something" my grandfather was the first to speak. I nodded and waited for him to talk more.

"I think it would be in your best interest to come move in with me, away from this town, to a new school" he said. It was summer time, and school didn't start for about another month and a half or so.

"I want to know if you would like to move in to my house with me..." my grandfather asked.

I had to think for a little while, not really sure what to say exactly, I mean what could I say that wouldn't hurt one or the other...?

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