Behind Closed Doors.

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Chapter 3

This scared me. Of course I wanted to go spend time with my grandfather, but at the same time I didn't want to leave my brother because I knew he wouldn't go with us. That was who my brother was, he loved it here, he wouldn't leave even if he had to.

"Can I just come visit for the rest of the summer and decide later?" I asked, my voice was quiet, almost like I was scared, and my brother caught onto it.

"I'll come too gramp, we can all spend the rest of the summer at your place and decicde at the end of the summer" he said, making a small smile at him.

My grandfather nodded. "I think that would be a great idea." I was shocked. Not what I thought he would say. I thought he would say I either move in or dont go. You see, my grandfather is a very stubborn man, its annoying sometimes, other times great. That was something I adored about him, how once he had his mind set on something, he'd do whatever it takes to get that something. Anyway, I cant complain, because I'm glad they both argeed to what I had said.

I went up stairs with my brother to start packing my things for the rest of the summer, humming along to some of my favourite songs by Nickelback. In about 45 minutes, both my brother and I were finshed packing our bags and we met our grandfather at the door with our bags. He gave a smile and we went out the door to his car. I sat in the front by my grandfather, Justin sat in the back with the bags. He drove us in his 2012 hyundai elantra sports edition, which he had saved up for for a long time.

With in about an hour we got there. I forgot how much I loved this place. It was the country, it was green, and warm witht he sweet smell of summer in the air. I loved it here. I almost forgot how beautiful this place was. Guess thats what happens when you leave and dont come back for 4 years. I grabbed my bag from the back and carried them into the house, to my room that I always used when I was here. I went back outside, wearing jean shorts and a white tank top with little purple and blue flowers, and black flip flops, my long hair pulled into a pony tail. It was breath taking here.

The grass was greener then any other  grass with splashes of color from all the different flowers, the sky bright and beautiful, the breeze was warm, and smelled with fresh cut grass, flowers, and water. I could hear the river bubbling just down the road. I used to swim there all the time with Emily and Jason, it was our favourite place to hang out. I told my brother and Grandfather I was going for a walk and started down the dirt road toward the river.

Within about 15 minutes I was there. The water was dark blue and the shore what sandy, almost like a mini beach. It was beautiful. I inhaled deeply and then exhaled. The smell was heavenly. I couldn't help but make a small smile as memories came flooding into my head. It was like I could hear my bestfriends laugh as we swam around and ran on the shore line. I missed them, the memories are forever in my head, and never seem to go away. I thought about the last summer I spent here, it was just Jason and I, Emily had already moved. It wasn't the same, but it was still fun, still one of my best memories.

I listened to the bubbling water, and then I heard foot steps. I listened and waited. Someone was coming into my view, it looked like a man. When I saw better it was a man. He looked about my age, tall, almost as tall as my brother, he looked about 6 feet, and he had more muscles then my brother had. His skin was a golden tan. He looked like the life gaurd all the girls love. He flashed a smile of pearly white teeth at me and walked over. I manged to compose myself enough to smile back at him.

"Hey, you new around here? Judging by the way you know the river, or seem to, it looks like you know the place" he said, his voice was deep, and he was wearing shorts, and nothing else, I had to tip my head up to look at his face. He was flawless, with bright green eyes, perfect lips, and a flawless face.

", I'm not new, I used to come visit my grandfather all the time over the summer, I haven't in like 4 years though, and my brother and I came down to visit" I said to him, surprised I could even find my own voice. His eyes reminded me of something, I wasn't sure what though...or maybe I was, he was just blocking my thoughts.

"My best friend used to visit her grandfather here all the time when we were younger. She hasn't come in years though, I miss her. Any how, my names Jason" he said with a smile, holding his hand out for a hand shake.

I smiled at him and shook his hand. "My names Christine" I said to him, thinking. "My best friends name was Jason, I met him here a while ago, but I haven't been here in years" I said and made that playful smirk I knew only the Jason I once knew would understand. Jason chuckled and then her wrapped his arms tightly around me, spinning me around, hugging me, I squealed and laughed.

"I haven't seen you in years...I've missed you, jeez Christine, you sure have changed a lot" he said, taking in my tall frame and pretty young girl looks. I laughed a little, feeling my cheeks turn slightly pink. "I could say the same about you, Jason" I said, looking up his frame. He was great. Like a greek god.

When he finally I giggled, looking up at him. "Wanna go swimming?" he asked, smiling those bright white teeth at me again. I blinked. "I dont have a swim sute though" I said and he just smirked, diving into the lake, and I followed in behind him, laughing.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2013 ⏰

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