Chapter 16- Disbelief and Discomfort

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Sandra Stone- POV

Alexander was here.

Mr. Grey was here.

The results were here.

And I was sweating.

We were still at the mansion and it was the next day. We were in the garden because we all needed fresh air. It was still a little cold but I was very nervous and sweating. I knew that it was me who had insisted for the test to be conducted but I'd done it for Mr. Grey, to save him from sadness and heartbreak, and now it was me who's heart was hammering continuously. The result was in Alexander's hands because neither I nor Mr. Grey had the courage to see them.

We'd stayed the night, and it was nine in the morning but I seriously needed a drink right now. I mean, I hadn't even checked out Alexander today, you see how distracted I was?

Alexander cleared his throat. Our heads shot up in his direction, waiting for him to continue. It seemed like a declaration about my life. What was going to happen from now was all depended on that piece of paper.

If it was negative, I'll go back. Simple and easy. I'll probably have a hearty laugh with Emma on this little episode.

But, if it was positive, well, I'd no idea what I'll do. Maybe, Alexander or Mr. Grey will tell me?

"It's positive", Alexander declared and my mind went numb as it tried to absorb the words.

"I knew it!", Mr. Grey exclaimed and came running towards me to hug me. His strong hands went around me and I couldn't help but hug him back. My mind slowly started to work again and it came to me.

He was my grandfather! No, he is my grandfather. That means I'm not alone in this big, scary world. Someone is here for me, with me.

Oh my.

My eyes were filled, but Mr. Grey was grinning with tears streaming down his face.

"Grand..grandpa? You're really", I started sobbing and Mr. Grey, ahem, Grandpa helped me sit down on the chair. I was still sobbing when the housekeeper gave me a tall glass of water which I gulped in seconds. The ice-cold water stung my throat but it helped me to calm down. I couldn't believe it yesterday and I couldn't believe it now.

I was Sandra Stone Grey. Me!

Alexander Black- POV

My heart gave a leap when I saw the results. It was her. I'd found her after all these years. Or had she found me? I did not care, she was here and William was happy. She was looking so nervous and pale before, but beautiful nonetheless. Color had crept into her cheeks again as her eyes went glassy with tears. And when she started to cry, I wanted to hug her, comfort her. Well, all I actually wanted to was to touch her again. Just one more time.

William took her in his arms and they cried. I looked away, it was a family moment. I could hear the happiness and joy and triumph in William's voice and the shock and disbelief and love in Sandra's voice.

When Lina took her inside the mansion, I couldn't help but watch her walk slowly inside, her chocolate brown hair in a plait, her hands white a little bit, her head still shaking from the sobs.

I wish I could go after her.

"No!" William exclaimed and I feared for a second. Had I said that out loud?

"Alexander?" William slowly said.

"Yes Will?" I asked, worrying. Was something wrong?

"Tell me you are not lusting over my granddaughter, in my garden, outside my mansion, in front of me? At this time in the morning? Tell me?" He said loudly as I blinked.

"What! No! Of course not Will! Why would you think that?", I exclaimed while all the time I was thinking, Was I that obvious? And I wasn't lusting! I was just...desiring.

"It sure looked like that to me. I hope I am wrong." He shook his head and sat down. "Well anyways, I need to discuss some important things with you regarding business and all as now Sandra is here. Take a seat"

I sat down. It was the chair on which Sandra was sitting minutes ago, her faint perfume still lingered in the air. It smelled like lychees of wine, and I was already becoming addicted to it.

Argh! Focus Alexander, focus!

"So, Sandra will be living with you from now on and-

That made me focus all right.

"Wait. She'll be living with me? What do you mean by that?" I looked at him, all confused.

"I mean that she will live with you in your apartment, that penthouse you have, in the city. Do you now understand?" He said as if it was the most common knowledge.

"But why there? She's already living with her friend. And if you don't want her living there, she can move in here. There's plenty of room, right?" I said, shaking my head.

"Alex, she's not safe with her friend. You know she may be in danger. Her uncles will surely come after her. And I know that there's plenty of room here, but this place is quite far away from the city and the office, you know that! What's the matter Alex? You don't want her around?" He said and looked at me weirdly.

What? I don't want her around? I wanted her all around. Hell, I wanted her. Period. And with her living with me at my house, it was going to be so difficult. I had not signed up for cold showers every morning!

"No, no, William. Why will I mind? But she can, now, surely have her own apartment. Right?" I said, while my head screamed please change your mind.

"Hmm, you are right." He nodded.


"But I'll be not very concerned about her safety if you are with her all the time. And you can teach her everything about business! Wait, I know what you're thinking. How will you party on weekends if she's around? Right? Don't worry, she will spend her weekends with her Grandpa! It's win-win! And after a few months, she can move to a new place. It's a great plan!" He laughed and I chuckled dryly.

Yes, for you.

He had everything planned. How could I refuse now?

"Well, okay.", I agreed as I got up to do some work. Hopefully, the work will help me get over this thing. Whatever this thing was.

"And Alexander, one more thing." He said and I stopped.

"Yes, William?" I asked and he stood up, looking into my eyes.

"I want you to promise me one thing. You are not going to touch my granddaughter. You are not going to have any relation with Sandra other than professional. Maybe friendly, but not too friendly. Okay?"

Why me?

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