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In case anyone wanted to know what Nate would look like in the Killing Stalking art style, I made an attempt. No one asked for it but I did it anyway and now y'all gotta deal with it (also the smaller drawing is my art style for comparison). I thought about doing the Omori art style as well but I didn't get around to it. So I might do it for the next chapter

On a different note, wow it's been forever since I've updated this book. Sorry about that

Admittedly, Nate could have woken (Y/n) up in time to get back to his house and change. 

But as the two walked together, (Y/n) grumbling to himself about how none of the clothes fit quite right, Nate thanked whatever was out there that he did not. Do not get him wrong. He himself was awake with enough time to take three or so trips to and from (Y/n)'s house, but he continued to put off waking the boy for far longer than intended.

The peaceful expression that (Y/n) wore when he slept was a nice change compared to the frown he usually had when dealing with Nate. The brunette could not help the feeling he got when he woke to (Y/n) in his arms. The boy seemed to fit perfectly there. It was as if the spot was made just for him. The feeling that at that exact moment-- the two sleeping in each other's arms, alone as if they were the last people on Earth-- everything was right in Nate's little part of the world.

Of course, once (Y/n) woke up, all of that calm peace was thrown out the window. He first looked confused, glancing around Nate's room with furrowed eyebrows. "When did--" He cut himself off, but Nate continued admiring him, knowing exactly what caught the other boy's attention. 

(Y/n) was so expressive. He probably did not even realize exactly how much he was. His eyebrows raised, giving way to wide, startled eyes. "Shit!" He cursed, pulling himself out of Nate's arms. The brunette allowed him to do so, frowning slightly at the sudden lack of the boy's body heat. 

Then those expressive eyes met Nate's. Whatever (Y/n) was searching for within Nate's expression must have remained unseen. His gaze snapped away, landing on the clock once again; as if time had reversed since the last time he checked. He rounded back on Nate and opened his mouth, hesitating as he did so. Whatever he was thinking of saying died in his mouth as he swallowed it down.

"You can" Nate forced away the smirk that threatened to overtake his features, "borrow some clothes if you'd like". The offer sounded innocent enough, however (Y/n) still seemed suspicious of it.

Fast forward a bit and the two were walking to school side by side. (Y/n) had on a burgundy hoodie and jeans with the cuffs rolled up slightly. Walking with (Y/n) had already put Nate in a good mood, but to see the boy in his clothes...

Nate had to force his thoughts away from such things or else they would never make it anywhere on time.

The two walked in silence, but it was not the tense silence they usually found themselves in. At least to Nate, it was far more casual. The cool morning air carried the faint scent of rain and the clouds closing in from the west promised a storm later in the day. 

When they got to school, there was still a bit of time before the first bell rang. "Welp, I'm off" (Y/n) announced, "Have fun". He gave Nate no time to respond before turning on his heels and heading off to his class.

And he never did ask where the boy goes during lunch.


It was not uncommon for (Y/n) to see Jaxon. Typically it was simply in passing--much like it was that afternoon-- but it was enough to give him relief. He had found himself concerned for the other boy. He walked a few people behind Jaxon in the crowded hallways.

The poor boy was a paranoid mess. He acted as if Nate would jump out and kill him in broad daylight.

Actually... (Y/n)'s mind immediately flooded with images of his and Nate's horrifying meeting-- the day that bounded their fates in blood. I wouldn't put it past him. He gave a quiet sigh and threw another glance to Jaxon. Should I talk to him? 

(Y/n) could not help but feel guilty. Jaxon was simply trying to help and instead got dragged into things no one should ever have to see. But he was also uncomfortably aware as to what Jaxon himself was capable of. Perhaps--

As the hall opened up into a pavilion that connected it to another, Jaxon finally caught onto his stare. (Y/n) did not shy from his gaze, locking onto it from across the room.

The warning bell rang, knocking the two out of their staring contest. (Y/n) ducked his head down, weaving through people in order to get to where he was going.

It would be idiotically stupid to try and patch things up with Jaxon. (Y/n) already had to essentially sell his soul to save him the first time. He had nothing else to give if/when their reunion went south.

No sooner had he gotten into class and to his seat did the bell ring. His classmates began slowly making their way back to their seats. (Y/n) was one of the first ones in his spot as this class was one in which he didn't talk to people. He instead got out his pencil and a paper he had no intentions of using for any notes.

The boy mindlessly doodled on the page he was supposed to be taking notes on. There was not a single word relating to school anywhere on the paper and yet, it was almost full. A bizarre mess of lines and circles made way for a snake. It was poised to attack, ready to sink it's fangs into--... Into...

(Y/n) erased the lower half of the snake, reforming it into coils around a struggling rat. It reached it's little paw out, expression caught in a permanent screech as the snake's venomous bite inched ever closer. A hopeless display of--

The girl in the seat next to (Y/n) jumped slightly as the boy abruptly snapped his notes closed. He paid her no mind. A few seconds later, he opened his notebook to a new page, scribbling down a few random notes that he remembered from the teacher's lecture that he was totally paying attention to before.

He did not want to draw anymore. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2022 ⏰

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