Chapter 1:

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Nico's POV

Nico sighed as Will dragged him up the steps of their new high school, Wellington C. Mepham High School. Nico already hated school of any kind, so this was going to be a pain. But, he was going because Will was making him, and because Chiron told him to.

    "Come on, it won't be that bad," Will said, pulling Nico inside. "Besides, you need an education, like me!"

    Nico groaned. This was going to be a LONG year...


    Nick Fury paced in front of the Avengers, and he was agitated. Captain America, or Steve Rogers, glanced out of the corner of his eye to look at Thor, who was frowning. If both of them were anxious, he didn't know what would happen, and he didn't want to find out.

    "So." Tony (Iron Man) said, trying to break the tension in the room. "What's new?"

    Nick looked at Tony and said, "I have someone I need you to track down. I have a feeling that he could be a threat."

    Clint (Hawkeye) frowned and leaned forward. "Who is it?"

    Natasha (Black Widow) looked at Clint with a raised eyebrow. "If this person is making Furry nervous, then they must be bad." Turning to Fury, she said, "Who is it?" repeating Clint's earlier question.

    "I only know his first name," Nick said rubbing his good eye. "I saw him on the street and he gave me the chills. I got a picture of him and looked everywhere for him, but I only got records of him being seen around the world, but not of any travel records. He also has no known school records, medical records, or certificates of any kind. He's a ghost, and the worst kind at that. And I only know his first name because someone said that they heard his name being said. His name is Nico." Nick tossed a file down, and Thor flinched when he heard the person's name.

    "Wait, Nico?" Thor asked. When Fury nodded, Thor shuddered. "I'm going to sit this one out. I don't want to get on his bad side."

    Everyone looked at the Thunder god, and Sam (Falcon) leaned forward, perplexed. "You know this guy?" He asked.

    "Sort of," Thor said. "I've heard rumors of this guy, and you do NOT want to mess with him. Especially his bodyguard. I've heard that if you harm Nico, his bodyguard will attack without mercy."

Everyone looked at each other, frowning. "This guy has a bodyguard?" Bruce Banner (Hulk) asked, looking at Nick.

Nick scowled, "This is the first that I have heard of this." He growled.

Antman (Scott) sat back. "Well, I don't think we should cross these people.

Thor laughed. "Of course, you shouldn't. This kid is like Death himself."

Everyone looked at him in confusion. "What do you mean?" Bucky (The Winter Solider) asked.

Thor sighed. "Well, I've heard that he can kill with one touch if he wants to. And that he can control skeletons." He glanced around. "And his bodyguard can control light, as far as I've heard. Other than the fact that he is very protective of Nico."

Everyone looked at each other in shock. These kids seem really dangerous.

"I'm starting to wonder if we should go after this guy." Rhodey (War Machine) said, picking up the file. "And there really isn't that much info on here. Other than the fact that they both attend Wellington C. Mepham High School."

"Wait, isn't that the same school that Peter attends?" Tony asked, but no one paid much attention.

Steve looked around. "Well, what do you all think. Raise your hand if you think that we should go after Nico." He raised his hand, along with Natasha, Tony, Rhodey, Nick Furry, and Bucky.

Thor sighed and rubbed his eyes. "This is a suicide mission. Just to let you know."

Steve frowned. "I don't like the idea of going after a kid, but if he is as dangerous as you say, Thor, then we should find him."

Thor shrugged. "Fine, but I'm not going."


Nico's POV

Will dragged Nico into homeroom and smiled at the teacher.

"Hey, we are the new students." He said, still holding Nico's wrist, but Will's hand was sliding a bit toward holding Nico's hand.

The teacher smiled and said, "Welcome, my name is Miss Loba. It's nice to have you both in my class."

Will smiled back and said, "Thank you."

"Go take your seats." Miss Loba said.

Will pulled Nico toward the back of the class and pushed him into one of the chairs around a table. He smiled slightly at the fact that Will knew that I didn't like being anywhere but hidden.

"You know her name means, 'Wolf', right?" Nico whispered to Will.

Will snickered and whispered back, "I'm still wondering how you know all the languages you do. Let's see, you know Italian (Your native language), English, French, German, Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Arabic, Portuguese, Russian, Latin, Greek, and Spanish." He smirked. "My boyfriend is a genius with languages."

Nico felt his face heating up. He pulled my hood up over his face and ducked his head. Nico heard Will's good-natured laugh and heard him sit down. Nico glanced at his face. He was smirking at Nico.

"You can't hide under your hood all day you know," Will said.

"Shut up, idiot," Nico mumbled.

Will laughed again and pulled his books out of his backpack.

Nico looked up as the door swung open again and saw a boy stumble inside.

His eyes locked on Nico's, and the boy gasped. "You!" He pointed at Nico and said, "It's you!"

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