packing up

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I can't believe I let that happen. Now Noodle knows I like him, but I can trust her. I might tell Russel too but I don't want Murdoc to figure out. But I also don't want him to think I like him, because I don't and I don't want him to be mad at me or something. "A'e yew OK Y/N? Just tell me if anyfink is bofewing yew, okay?" 2d says catching up to me since I was walking faster than everyone. Since nobody ever says anything like that to me I started to tear up. I didn't want everyone to know I'm an emotional person, so the only sound you heard was me sniffling. I even tried to keep that quiet but I couldn't. "O-okay," I say. "A'e yew cwying?" God his accent is so cute I can't. "N-no," I say barely breathing because it's hard to keep myself from crying. "Yes, yew a'e. Whas wong?" (also tell me if I'm doing the 2d accent right thnx) OMG, HIS ACCENT I'M GUNNA I burst into tears. "Wha' 'appened!" 2d says running to me to hug me. "I'm- nobody's ever said anything like that to me. I'm so sorry I shouldn't be crying but I'm just so emotional!" I say trying to push him away. He grabs both of my wrists and puts them together and pulls me into the hug. "Shut up." 2d says sternly. "But its true!" I say crying even more. He pushes me back and bends down to my level. "No. Yew a'e not. It's just different from what people normawy say to yew so you don't know how to weact to it. It's okay. Let's take yew home, get yew're stuff then got back to yewr new home. Yeah?" He says wiping away some of my tears. "Yeah." I say smiling. "A'e we close?" He asks standing back up. "Yeah it's right across the road." You say pointing to a giant brick apartment about 12 feet away from us. While 2d and I were talking everyone was looking at us with big eyes. Let me just tell you it was really embarrassing. " I'll race ya!" 2d says trying to cheer me up. " Wait, but that's not fair!" I say stopping. " What's not fair?" 2d says rolling his eyes. "Your legs are longer than mine, which means you will go farther with each step you take!!" You say almost yelling. "Come on Y/N. Yewr acting like a kid. Just race meh." 2d says pushing you next to him. "Fine." I say getting into position. "GO!" 2d says and I run as fast as I can. By the time I got there, I could barely breathe and had to bend down. You were panting like an animal. "Beat yew." 2d says in your ear which sends chills down your spine. You stand up immediately. You looked up at him and he winked at you. " This is it?" Murdoc asks. "Uh yeah. Its not fancy. Its just what i could afford. " I let everyone go in first. 1d stopped next to you. "2d go." I say trying to push him to go inside first. "No. Yewr going first." 2d said standing there while you were using all your strength to push him. For a skinny man, he sure was heavy. "Y/N, what room are you in?" Russel yelled from inside. "Room 8, floor 1," I say still trying to push 2d. Everyone was walking down the hallway while 2d and u were fighting. "Fine, you win. This time. THIS TIME. And im only letting you win because i want to help pack stuff up." You say frustrated. "Good." 2d says from behind you. I start to walk in when 2d puts his arm around your waist. "Who were you calling "cute" when you were talking with Noodle?" He says pulling you closer. "Nobody." You say trying to hide your face. "Finally bringing boys in, huh?" It was the person behind the desk. Her name was Martha. She was one of your friends since you lived here for 4 years. " NO! IT'S NOT LIK-" You were interrupted by 2d." Who does she like?" 2d asks her. He grabs both your hands, puts them together, and held them by your wrist. You try to say hey but he covers my mouth with his other hand. "Well she doesn't like anyone of her friends or any of her friends friends. But in a band called Gorillaz... I don't think she wants me to tell you." She said as she pointed at me who was trying with all my might to get free. "Oh she wants me to know. I just want to know, coming from a true friend, that she isn't lieing." He says looking down at me. I look back at him with tears in my eyes. "Yew a'e okay luv. This doesn't hurt. Yew'll get used to it." He whispers to me. I look back at Martha and shake your head "no" but 2d makes your head go up and down. "Okay then. This is what you asked for Y/N. She likes-" you bit 2ds hand and he yells. You then stomp you heal on 2ds toes. He yells harder. "MARTH YOU KNOW WHAT HE LOOKS LIKE. SERIOUSLY GIRL THE PERSON YOU JUST TALKED TO WAS RUSSEL FROM GORILLAZ.
!" You yell to Martha. "I knew he looked familiar!" She says slaming her hand on the desk. You look back at 2d who is towering over you with a mad but cute look. "Oop. I should run." You say. "Yes. But you wont get far with me." He says smiling. You run in the opposite way if our room and turn up the stairs. 2d didn't realized your room was on the first floor so he kept following you. You go in a room and hide close to the door once he is in the room you run out and go in the elevator. You guess he doesn't know where you are. You got to the bottom floor and run out of the elevator. You hit something. 2d. "Owww!" You say looking up and holding your head. "Oop-I-Uh...was just looking for you..." You say backing up because he was walking in the elevator. You start to press against the wall and go on the wall all the way so the door is right behind you. You press one of the buttons in the elevator. Once it gets small enough for you to fit snug through it you run out and see 2d with is mouth open. You put your hands on each side of your head, stick your tongue out and move your hands like you were going to fly. "Y/N!"You hear 2d yell before the door closes. "Haha!" You say running to your room. "Where's 2d?" Russ asks. "Oh he's going up." I say giggle and playing with my hair. "EXCUSE ME?!" Murdoc says. "I KNOW IT SOUNDED WEIRD I DIDNT MEAN TO SAY IT LIKE THAT I MEANT HES IN AN ELEVATOR!" You yell and laughing. "Oh. OK. Why?" "Oh uh no need to worry about it." You say walking to your clothes to put them in boxes. All of a sudden the door slams open and it's 2d. You were bent over so you butt was facing the door. You flip over fast. "Y/N." 2d says. You gut up and stand still. He pins you to the wall. You blush madly. "W-what are you going to do to m-me?" You say with a shaky voice. "Nothing yet." He says getting off you and picks up a few things. You are in shock. He just pinned me down...I don't like no no no. I DONT LIKE HIM. When you realized everyone was looking at you, you quickly got back to work. You were blushing madly but overall it wasn't that bad. We got everything into boxes then in the car. You were saying good bye to Martha. You walk up to her with tears in your eyes. "Martha. I'm moving out." You say hugging her. "I'll miss you girly." "I will too." You both let a few tears out but it's ok. As you are walking out of the building, something popped out from behind the door and "scared you". 2d jumped at you and yelled "Boooo!" You just looked at him and yelled "ahhh so scary!!" And waved your hands around. "Wait, do yew just not get scawed?" He asked walking to the car with me. "Nope. So many horror movies have jump scares so I'm used to it." I say sitting in the back. "I wa-" "Yes I know you watch zombie movies. Maybe some night we can have a movie night, yeah?" You say buckling up. "YES! That sounds like fun! What movie tho?" You says smoothing closer to you. "Any movie. Also thw scary movies I watch are on YouTube and they are called Alter. It is so good. (Actually they are scary short videos and they are like 👌👌👌👌it's so good. Check it out. I have my fav one at the top.)"oh...I watch actual movies." He says looking down. "I know we can still watch them. The first scary movie I watched was Annabelle comes home. Then IT. Well I watched the really old IT the Annabelle then the newer IT." "Oh ok. Do you like zombies?" He asks looking up at you. "Yes! Of course I like zombies!" You say hugging him. He hugs back. "Alright you two love birds, we're here." Murdoc says. "What?!" Both you and 2d say.

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