Chapter 02 ~ A Sad Captain, A Sad Life - Side 2

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This chapter contains mentions of injury, abuse, blood, near death

Kuroo wakes up with a loud yawn, his current boyfriend, Kenma, laid beside him. "Kenma...time to get up~". He pecks his cheek. "Cmon sweetheart. For me?". Kenma hears this and just digs his face into his pillow. Kuroo sighs and stands up. He then picks Kenma up and hauls him over his back. Kenma grumbles at him and scratches his arm like a cat.

Kuroo hisses as he puts Kenma down. "Ouch, Kenma!". "Don't pick me up. You know what happens". Kenma crosses his arms. "But Kenma-" "don't argue, man. It's early and you've just dragged me out of bed!". He pushes past him and the older's head hits the wall hard. He groans as he puts his hand to where he'd been hit. His hand gently touches the lump forming. Then he sees the blood trickling from where Kenma had scratched him.

"Fuck...". He looks up at the clock, barely any time left to wash the cut. But he decides he needs to. So he washes his cut and wraps a bandage around it. Then he has to rush and out his things together before heading out to school.

First up for the day was practice. He met the others there, apart from Kenma. He ended up late.

"Kenma. Why are you late?". "Games" he mumbles through the bread in his mouth. "Kinda slow...". Kuroo sighs, tapping his feet, "whatever, just- just get changed. We're already running late for the practice match". Kenma rolls his eyes and goes to get changed.

Skip to after the match...

"Well done, Kuro". Kuroo sighs and looks at his ree bandage. "Ken, could you grab me a some bandages from my bag?". Kenma hums, "". The captain crosses his arms, "kenma". The setter just walks off. So he has to get to his bag and get them himself. He goes the to bathroom and re-applies the bandages.

When he gets out, Daishou is waiting for him.
Then the events of part one occur...
And thats where we continue...

"Where were you last night, Kuroo?" Kenma asks. "With Daishou". "All night?" "Yup". The setter looks at him, "what we're you up to?". Kuroo loos to him with a head tilt, "just sleepover?". The second year glares, "liar. You were probably cheating on me with him". The older's eyes widen, "Kenma, no! That's not it at al-"


"..." Kuroo goes quiet, "what...what was that for...?". "For being a liar! You deserve it!". He crossed his arms and kicks him. "Ow!". Kenma huffs and backs away. "K-kenma...I...I didn't...". All he receives is an eye roll. "Tell me the truth, Kuroo".

The third year closes his eyes, bearing the pain. That's when the idea comes to mind. "Fine...". He stumbles to his feet. "The truth...". Kenma nods, "is that...". Kenma taps his feet. "I want to break up. This isn't Daishou"? He hisses to himself in pain, "you don't stop hurting me. I have so many scars cos of you...and I'm frightened". He backs away from Kenma, "and i can't take it anymore!". He starts running away.

The setter stands there dumbfounded, a wave of realization washing over him, realising what he'd done. He starts running after Kuroo. "Kuro wait!". The third year trips, landing on his bad arm. He cries out in pain in the empty hallway before attempting to scramble to his feet. Kenma runs round the corner, "Kuroo!"
He quickly gets up, running into a crowded hallway.

It falls silent as they all hear Kuroo's cries of desperation, wanting to leave. They then hear Kenma's calls. Kuroo trips again, bashing his head on the locker. His painful screams ring out as his head bleeds. The last thing he sees before he blacks out is Kenma running to him, his vision blurred by red.


"Kuroo...wake up". He hears a voice softly calling to him. His eyes open, and straight away he's scrambling out of the hospital bed and into the corner. "G-go away! Leave! Don't hurt me! Please!". Kenma goes to move close but stops. "...sorry". He turns away and leaves, someone walking into the room in place of him. "Hey...".

Kuroo looks up and sees Daishou holding a bouquet of flowers. He puts the flowers in the hospital bed and takes Kuroo's hands, lifting him up to his feet. "never trusted that Kozume guy". He pecks his cheek and sits him on the bed. "How does your head feel?" He asks, hugging him.

Kuroo groans, "it hurts...". "Expected. You cut your head open, dude". "Don't call me dude". He frowns. Daishou chuckles, "what would you rather?". Kuroo hums, "anything that doesn't constitute a friendship". "You don't wanna be friends?" Daishou frowns jokingly. Kuroo smiles slightly, "no,". Daishou leans down into him. "No, I don't" he finishes before he's laid down, lips connected.

They stay there for a while before they break away. "You're too cute" Daishou chuckles. "You are", Kuroo replies. "We both got problems huh?" Daishou hums. "What you have problems?" Kuroo asks sarcastically. "Yea yea. I have an abusive dad, you have an abusive boyf-" "EX boyfriend...". "Oh well, you're still a wuss". Kuroo covers his mouth and glares. Daishou winks at him and pushes Kuroo's hand, "I like that. You look hot". Daishou watches as the other rolls his eyes.

"You get a kick of this, Rice?". He asks. "You got a girlfriend and a Kuroo". Daishou frowns, "I know I'm sorry. I'll end it tonight, Kuroo". "You better" he says in response. Daishou frowns bigger and Kuroo tuts, pulling him back down into a hug. "I'm kidding, Dai". "Meanie". "You love it" he smiles. Daishou smiles softly back, "I do". He rolls over, laying by Kuroo.

They lay there, together, looking up at the ceiling. When Kuroo suddenly asks, "how is it that love at first sight...seems to be so much more common...". Daishou hums, "I wish I could say. But...I can't. It's destiny I guess". "Fate decided by destiny" Kuroo says mimickingly. "Was that meant to be a Mona impression?".

Kuroo goes quiet, "maybe". "It was shit". The raven rolls his eyes and squeezes Daishou's cheeks, making him flush. "Oh well" Kuroo sighs, "impressions are overrated anyways". "How dare you, my Kuroo impression is top tier!". "Go on then".
"Ehem....You're my little kitten~"
"Okay that's accurate".

Daishou chuckles and digs his face into Kuroo's neck. "Acting mad bottom right now". "Shut up". "I'm good thanks". They both giggle at each other, Daishou laughing so hard he falls off of the hospital bed. "Oh shi-!" "I'm good!". The injured watches as the other gets up from the floor and rubs his arm, "ouch". He climbs back into the bed. "Oh well, it's getting late. You were out a while". "Really?". He looks at the time, seeing it pointed to around 10pm. "Oops. Bedtime it is". Daishou smiles and goes to climb out so he can sleep in peace. "Where are you going?". "Gotta break up with my girlfriend".

Kuroo frowns, "just call her". "I don't wanna be the dick that breaks up over call". "Right...sooo you just wanna be the dick who kisses another guy while in a healthy relationship?". "Honestly, I kinda have an itch that's she's not faithful either, no matter how nice she is to me". Kuroo tilts his head. "I'm not the brightest and she kinda gets annoyed by it a little. And she's not often free so...".

He pulls out his phone and dials his girlfriend's number.
"Hey Mika..."
" just wanted to call toet you know that- that...". He nervously sighs, "we can't be together anymore".
Kuroo heard a faint complaint from the phone.
"I know, Mika. But...I...I don't think I'm in love with you anymore".
The boy in the bed watches as Daishou frowns a little, before it turns to a slight grimace.
"You have to accept it Mika! I'm sorry. Its out of my hands. It's done!".

He puts the phone away and sighs, "she wasnt very happy". "Oh...". Kuroo gives a look of sympathy and pats the bed. "Cmon. Come rest with me. We'll put the rails up so you don't look like an ass when you fall,". Daishou's grimaces morphs to a slight grin and he nods, "alright,".

"goodnight, I love you...".
"I love you more".

Thanks for reading this second part!
I meant to release it two days ago but I didn't know how to finish it. But thanks for waiting.
The next chapter should hopefully be up by next Wednesday.

signed, platwowu

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