Part two

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Ethan sat in the darkened auditorium next to Bob. He was there under protest. They had scheduled the auditions for the replacement for Mark.

Ethan played with the indiglow button on his watch, flashing it on and off. Bob, seeing the light flashing out of the corner of his eye, clamped his hand down on top of Ethan's wrist.

"Would you knock it off? Can't you sit still for an hour?" Bob whispered harshly at Ethan .

"I don't think this is right, I mean, replacing Mark? Bob, you know how I feel about this," Ethan snapped back in a heated whisper.

Tyler leaned up and put his index finger to his lips. "SHHHHH."

Ethan 's reply was a quick flip of his middle finger back at Tyler Bob reached up and smacked Ethan in the back of the head.

"OUCH. What the hell was that for?" Ethan shouted angrily at Bob.

The commotion that was being created by the guys caused everyone in the auditorium to turn and look back at the row of seats that they were occupying. Turning red, Ethan jumped up and grabbed his jacket.

"I'm outta here," he said with a crisp tone in his voice.

Everyone watched Ethan storm up the aisle, slamming the theatre's heavy swinging doors and disappearing behind them.

The bright Florida sun nearly blinded Ethan as he exited the darkened hall. He pulled out his sunglasses and slipped them on, never stopping. Unlocking the driver's door to his Durango, he slid in and started the engine. Ethan looked into the rearview mirror in time to see Wade stepping out of the auditorium, more than likely trying to stop Ethan from leaving.

As he stomped his foot on the accelerator, the tires squealed for an added statement of his anger. Today was the day that Mark was coming home. Today was the day that he did not need this laid on his shoulders.

With the stereo blaring, Ethan pulled into the parking lot at the Just Like Home Center in Bradenton. This was the place Mark's parents had selected for him to stay. This was the place Ethan wanted him to leave.

Ethan stopped at the nurses station. "I'm here to take Mark Fischbach home."

A small, feeble looking woman at the desk nervously shuffled papers around. "Oh, yes, you're the one."

"There's some papers I have to sign, could I have them please?" Ethan asked, leaning over the blue countertop.

"Ah, well, um, let me call Marge," the woman stammered.

Ethan started walking down the hall to Mark's room. "Just bring them down when you find the papers, Marge or whoever ," Ethan called out over his shoulder.

He walked into Mark's room to find him laying in bed, with a nurse finishing up yet another injection. Ethan cursed, causing the woman to turn around quickly.

"I'm sorry, did you say something?"

Ethan sighed. "I'm here to take Mark home." He walked over to the dresser and opened the drawers looking for anything of Mark's that needed to go with him. Every drawer he opened was empty.

"Well buddy, you ready to leave this hole?" Ethan asked, clapping his hands together nervously.

Mark blinked.

"I take that as a yes then," Ethan tried to find a little encouragement in any move that Mark made, regardless of it being uncontrolled or not.

After pulling the wheel chair up to the side of the bed, Ethan pulled the covers back from Mark.

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