The Middling

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The next day, Umi Starts Praticing to make groups and extra to help her get avenges, after she does she wouldn't be bullied anymore.
She goes to school and tries to find some new friends.
"Hey! Wanna be in my new club I'm making?"
"Well we haven't became friends yet but we will soon in the club so I guess!"
They become greatest of bestfriends and then people start wanting to join the club.
The club was named The Kuumba Cats They started to grow more and more until they finally had more members then the Goofy Ahh cats, The Goofy Ahh cats became less popular with their short population.
"Please forgive us!" A cat said
"Yea! Were sorry for using you!" The Owner Cat said
"I would think about it but, NO THANKS! ;>" Umi replied.
The club of cats and others went with Umi the Creator of the cat club, she became popular with alot of popularity, she was the highest rank in the school, she started to think she should be a popstar in her life, she tried too and it almost worked years pasted.

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