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"ℌ𝔢, 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔥𝔞𝔯𝔰𝔥 𝔰𝔲𝔫

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"ℌ𝔢, 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔥𝔞𝔯𝔰𝔥 𝔰𝔲𝔫. ℑ, 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔡𝔢𝔩𝔦𝔠𝔞𝔱𝔢 𝔰𝔫𝔬𝔴. ℑ 𝔟𝔲𝔯𝔫 𝔦𝔫 𝔥𝔦𝔰 𝔩𝔬𝔳𝔢, 𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔪𝔢𝔩𝔱 𝔞𝔴𝔞𝔶."


I woke up to the harsh embrace of strong arms securing themselves around my waist tightly. Securing me in place, not allowing me to leave. My body froze once I felt the warmth of someone's breath fanning my neck. I turned my head to see the face of Henry sound asleep. His hair was a mess yet was radiant due to the sun hitting him, causing his hair to look like that of shimmering gold. He looks so peaceful when sleeping, his harsh glare was nowhere to be seen, instead, he could be mistaken as an angel sleeping.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer sweetheart." Henry's voice was both deep and scratchy making my knees weak.

Blood began to circulate around my cheeks, causing me to look like a tomato. The words in my throat diminished due to my self embarrassment.

Henry smirked down at me causing my heart to flutter.

"I'm messing with you sweetheart." Henry chuckled down at me as the blush on my face continued to grow.

I tried getting up but Henry immediately pull me down again.

"And where do you think your going?" Henry asked curiously.

"I need to use the bathroom." I looked into his eyes to see him thinking.

"Keep the door open." He stated blandly.

"Wha-" Henry gave me a look daring me to go against him.

I gulped but nodded, I closed the door halfway and did my business I remembered that they saw my cuts. Groaning, I rubbed my eyes. Why do they care so much anyways? If I cut myself, fine, whatever. That's my problem, not their's.

I finished my business, and brushed my teeth and hair. I exited the bathroom to see Henry sitting on the bed waiting for me. I felt his eyes watching my every move. It was uncomfortable nonetheless. I went to the closet to grab some clothes, I decided to wear a dark red crop topped long sleeve and black shorts.

I was about to change when I remembered that Henry is in the room.

"..I need to change." I stated blandly as I looked at him.

"So?" Henry asked me annoyed.

"So, that means you have to leave." I crossed my arms and stared at him.

He rolled his eyes and turned around putting his hands over his eyes.

"I won't look, ya big baby."

I eyed him suspiciously and tried changing as fast as I could.

"I'm done."

When Henry turned around his eyes look at me head to toe. A smirk slowly crept onto his face. I felt myself shrink as his glare became more intense. His eyes stopped once they met to my thighs. I turned around to try and leave the room but Henry grabbed my waist and pushed me onto the bed. I gasped due to it scaring me. Henry hovered over me and look down down. He was in-between my legs. I blushed due to the position we were in.

"H-henry what are y-you doing?" I was too nervous to even talk properly.

Henry's eyes examed my body, even though I was wearing clothes I felt as though he could see through them. I tried getting him off me but he pushed my shoulders back making me stay put. His held both of my cheeks and did a circling motion on them. I looked at him confused, why is he being so gentle? He lowered his head and gently kissed my neck. I tried pushing him off me with all my strength, but when I did he bit my neck causing me to freeze.

"W-what was that for!?" I raised my voice at him. This fucker.

"I'll do want I want baby." His voice was now deeper than before.

He continued to kiss my neck, but when he kissed a certain spot I melted. I moaned softly.

"Found it." Henry smirked in my neck and began his attack.

He sucked on the spot, I felt butterflies form in my stomach and the room felt as though it became warmer. I arched my back, Henry immediately stopped what he was doing and looked at me with wide eyes. I looked at him confused, to only realize that when I arched my back. I brushed against his lower area. Henry and I held eye contact, his eyes darkened. I felt him get hard, I gasped. He began to thrust his hips against me, I shut my eyes tight. I felt his thing brush against me.. My stomach began to knott, what is this feeling?

He touched my sides and it felt as though his hands were on fire. Whenever he touched me I shivered, it felt ecstatic. Henry groaned and shut his eyes as he continued to thrust him hips. The grip he had on my waist was tight, I'm sure it'll leave bruises. He grabbed my face and tried to kiss me but I pushed him off me. I was panting, my hair was probably a mess, and I know damn well that I looked as red as a tomato right now.

"Why did you push me off?" Henry asked me angrily.

"I never have had my f-first kiss." I felt embarrassed to admit it.

I looked down to my hands and began to play with my fingers. I tend to do that when I'm nervous. I've never kissed anyone, I was in high-school and I've never had my first kiss. I felt ashamed a bit because I know that more than half of the girls at school already have had they're first kiss. I looked up to see Henry giving me a wide smile, he went down to my height and held my cheeks.

"You really are innocent, huh?" Henry stared at me.

"It's okay baby, just know that we'll be you're first everything." Henry stood up and looked down at me.

Hearing that made the hairs on my neck stick up, knowing what he meant scared me shit less. I knew that both Henry and the guys had sunken they're claws deep within me. To the point to where it scraped my bone. Even if I tried to leave they would get me back and do God knows what to me. I'm stuck.

𝐓𝐰𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐅𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐬𝐲  (𝙱𝚘𝚠𝚎𝚛𝚜 𝙶𝚊𝚗𝚐 𝚇 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛)Where stories live. Discover now