Chapter 29 - Being Comfortable

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When I cut the engine in front of Adeline's house, I sit back against the driver's seat. It's a miracle I managed to get here in one piece. I usually don't trust myself to drive when I'm pissed, and I definitely don't trust myself to drive with Adeline in the car with me when I'm pissed. And I am still pissed.

At Dean for being a fucking, creepy asshole.

At Faye for acting like Adeline isn't worth anything.

At myself for not knowing what to do about it.

At everything for being so terrible all the time, especially for Adeline.

I shut my eyes and take a deep breath. I can't think about all that right now. I'm already late. I can't keep Adeline waiting just because I feel upset—more than upset. So I grab the flowers and get out of my car, heading for the front door. I ring the doorbell and take a step back, holding the bouquet behind my back.

A moment later, Adeline opens the door. My breath catches in my throat as I take her in. For the first time in a long time, she's not wearing one of my hoodies. She's in a white sleeveless dress that falls just above her knees. I try not to stare, but I can't help but appreciate the way the dress hugs her body. I mean, she could literally be wearing a trash bag, and I would still find myself at a loss for words, but it's been a while since I've seen her wear a dress. I think I can take some time to admire her.

Once the surprise wears off, I realize how tightly she's gripping the door. How tense her jaw is. And how her free hand keeps moving towards the hem of her dress like she wants to pull it further down. If she's uncomfortable with wearing a dress, why'd she put it on? Not for me, right? She doesn't have to do anything for me.

I bring the flowers out from behind my back and hold them out to her. "You look amazing. As always."

Adeline smiles as she takes the bouquet. "Thank you." She takes a moment to run a petal between her fingers. "Dahlias?"

I nod. "They remind me of you right now."

She takes in the flowers again, probably running the meanings through her head. Her expression softens after a moment, and she holds them closer to her chest. Her eyes shine like silver when she looks up at me again.

"That's sweet of you," she says. "Let me go put these in water and then we can go."

"And also after Jax comes in and says hi," Barett calls from the kitchen.

Adeline rolls her eyes. "That, too."

I smile. "Sounds good." Before she can walk away, I gently take her elbow. She looks back at me, her skirt swirling around her. "If you want to change, you can."

She blinks, her smile wavering. "You don't like it...?"

My heart sinks. She really did put it on for me. And if she thinks I'm telling her to change because I hate it, I have some apologizing to do. "Of course, I like it. You look beautiful. Always. But if you're not comfortable, you should change into something that makes you feel okay."

She doesn't say anything for a moment. The wrapping on the bouquet crinkles in her hands, and she glances away. "Right... I know..."

Adeline turns, pulling herself out of my grip. I watch her head into the kitchen to grab a vase and fill it with water. Even with her back turned to me, I can tell how tense she is. I bet her eyes are thunderclouds right now. I would hug her from behind but her parents are right there.

I shut the front door and join them at the kitchen island. "Hey, guys."

"How are you, Jax?" Eliza asks, glancing up from the cutting board.

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