Chapter 3

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   Few days passed by nothing big has happened until I got paired with robin to dissect frogs he kept making joke and i just didn't pay attention just to focus on the assignment it was until my hair got in the way and he tucked it into my ear. I guess I kinda fell in a trance looking up into his eyes I completely forgot I was holding the little knife and i scratched my finger. He got a band aid for me which I found conveniently weird how he just has band aids with him.  After class I was walking down the hallway when I tripped on someone's foot I tried to get up but they pushed me back on the floor. I looked up to see it was robin I was really confused and he said don't take this to personal right before he punched me unconscious. So much for making a new friend.

I woke up at home which was weird finney told me that robin found me and took me home. Obviously I knew the truth but I didn't want finney to lose the first person that was nice to him. Finney said that robin would be coming over and that dad had a double shift which basically stands for him to get beer with his friends. I wasn't excited to see robin tho idk what he'll do to me.

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