Chapter 1

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I really needed to get out of bed, I couldn't make any more excuses. I checked my phone again to see if I had accidentally missed it... nope just a delivered message. That had been 2 hours ago. Maybe I should check up on him, I mean, after all, he did text me that his neck was hurting, so I did. And within 10 seconds I got a,

"Yea it still hurts."

I huffed and responded with,

"I hope you feel better :)"

I charged my phone and sat in my bed for a good minute thinking about all those midnight talks and special moments that were wasted, just for me to be left here reminiscing on someone who couldn't care to respond. Whatever. Why was this happening all of a sudden? Before when we would hang out I felt as though nothing was wrong. I needed to talk to someone.

I decided to call my best friend, Julia, and I told her everything. It's crazy how one guy makes me so bipolar with my emotions.

"I'm not being crazy! When we first started talking he would respond so quickly and now he takes hours to respond."

Julia just rolled her eyes and said,

"Forget him, Iris, he looked like my ex from sophomore year, do you really wanna be going for that."

"Oh god don't say that."

She proceeded to show me a picture and I died from laughter. The resemblance was uncanny. All that time making fun of her back then caught up to me now.

It was 2 in the morning when we decided to hang up—still no new texts from him. I sent out a goodnight text to which he responded an hour later.

While pouring myself a glass of orange juice, I see my mom making some pancakes. We grab our food and I sense her noticing my tired eyes.

So she says, "Do you have any plans for the summer?"

"No", I said.

"Well, that's perfect," she says with a cheery tone.

"I have just the thing for you. I was speaking with Julia's mom and since Dad and I will be going away on vacation we thought it's perfect to go with Julia for vacation." Wait, this will be fun. I love hanging out with Julia, and a vacation with her will definitely make me feel better. I said yes in a heartbeat. Mom smiled but then her expression turned sour.

"Well you know since her parents won't be there, you would stay with her older brother in Florida".

I cringed at the thought that I would have to spend my summer vacation with Julia's brother. He was the worst. From his loud attitude to his ignorant persona, he would ruin our vacation. He was going to be a sophomore in college and is a prick, and to my luck was attending university in Florida. However, I was not about to pass on the opportunity to go to Florida with Julia so I shook my head yes.

"I can't wait", said Julia

"I know it will be fun. Going to beaches and around Florida will definitely be an experience."

"Julia, we have to go to Disney World. It's a must"

"That's such a great idea. I think my brother might even know someone who works there. I'm sure we could get our tickets at a discounted price"

"Wait, he's coming with us?"

"My mom is making him chaperone us while we're there."

"But hey, it will be fun plus we can make him ride the rides by himself"

Julia just had the biggest smile on her face. She knew I hated her brother. After he had gotten into college I was relieved and thankful that I would never have to cross paths. His being gone was part of the reason Julia and I were so close. Without much hesitation Julia had bought our tickets and tomorrow morning we would board our flight and stay in Florida until the remaining month of summer break.

That night I packed my bags and within the next week, Julia and I made our way to the airport.

I texted him again,

"I'm boarding the flight"

No response.

I turn my phone on airplane mode in hopes that I'll get a text by the time I arrive.

Julia notices it and begins to lecture me about how this trip is about having fun and there's no time to mop around. She even threatened to block him on my phone, but I reassured her that after today all of his texts were to be left on do not disturb. I sighed and leaned my head on Julia's shoulder. She nudged me and said, Iris just think of all the cute guys on vacation. We will have so much fun." I giggled. After her mini-lecture, the realization finally sunk in and I began to let it go, and slowly weight was lifted from my shoulders.

We got our bags and waited for Julia's brother, Mason, to pick us up. This would be the first time I would see him in over a year. My heart was pounding. I didn't know what to expect, of course, it wasn't because I was excited to see him, I just didn't know what he had in mind. Julia runs past me and I spin. That's when I see him and "man had he changed". 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2022 ⏰

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