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The Swan family had clues about the supernatural world

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The Swan family had clues about the supernatural world. Hell they knew they were a part of them-- well two knew they were a part of them as one was a witch and the other a werewolf whilst the youngest was human. Always on the road. Never staying put in one place or longer as the middle child always having a chill running down her spine, barely trusting anyone that came their way. The other two always following after, after all. Family always stuck together. Never separated. Forever was their pact. Their vow. And they will keep it until they're on their own death beds. But even then their soul will always follow after one another never finding peace until they were reunited with the two other souls.

There was the youngest Isabella Swan. Being younger than the other two by five years. And human. So being yanked into the supernatural world at the age of eight was both terrifying and yet exhilarating. Her little imagination was running in many circles, yet her fear over powered her. Fear of... And as she grew older the more she understood the world around her. Always stealing books when she could and having it pile up in her sister, Hayley's trunk. She would reread them whenever she wanted in her little area of the back seat. The entire area being all to herself and no one else. The only thing that kept her mind sane throughout the years besides her older sisters would be of those books.

Then there was the middle child Hayley Swan. Even if she pointed out that her and her oldest sister were the exact same age, her older sister would too point out the three months difference. The werewolf out of the three of them. The one who turned before them and made it known of the supernatural world to her and her foster family. The Marshall's. After her first transition she was thrown out and disowned from her own home, her two other foster sisters following right after her and running away with her. She was stripped of any shelter that she and her sisters could be safe in and sooner rather than later she realized just how the world was. To only fend for yourself and those that stand right beside you. She felt safe with them. With her two sisters. Had even taken in their names instead of the Marshall's.

And lastly, the eldest out of the three Annabeth Swan. Always left writing something knowledgeable in the thousands of writing books that her younger sister stole from while she was smuggling out books that she could read in passing times. The witch. Writing and learning spells from witches that she had come to meet --even stole a few grimoires here and there.-- She kept everyone safe out of harms way, comforted them when they needed it the most, and was always there no matter what. Always protecting her sisters no matter what. Keeping them safe.

But all three of them shared one thing and one thing only. Their birthmarks. But of course those were far different from each other. One being a spade on the back of her hand, a crescent moon on her shoulder, and a star on her neck.

The night grew, Bella holding the map as she led Hayley to where it was supposed to lead them. Hayley was finally going to learn of her family. Her blood related family. She could finally meet her biological parents. Something she could finally find a piece of herself and see the life she could've had if her parents hadn't given up on her.

Orphic | K.M ᵀʷⁱˡⁱᵍʰᵗ & ᵀʰᵉ ᴼʳⁱᵍⁱⁿᵃˡˢ  (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now