Chapter 3

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This chapter is gonna definitely show that I know nothing! About. Boats. You can correct me if you wish.


After confirming what happened that night wasn’t just a figment of my exhausted imagination. I gave him a last good pat and tossed myself over to land in the water. Resurfacing I began to swim back to the boat. As I reached the back of the boat to get back on, Madison reached her arm out and helped me into the boat. 

“That was amazing! Godzilla acted so calm and acted like he was a puppy!” Madison exclaimed as she sat back in her seat.

“Yeah, that docile behavior of his is very extraordinary, I never would have thought he would have such behavior towards a human.” I responded.

Removing my flippers and tossing them off to the side, I got up and made my way back to the boat’s wheel. Suddenly a loud clap of thunder snapped me out of my thoughts. Looked out to where the noise came from. Large dark clouds began to quickly swell and spread across the sky.

Even Godzilla was looking at the sudden building of the storm, scrunching his face.

Worry set in. I quickly turned the boat on and began to drive away from the oncoming storm. The threatening sound of the rolling storm and its loud and bright claps of thunder and lightning worried me far more than what I already was.

“The storm is gaining on us!” Madison shouted. Looking over my shoulder the storm was practically almost over us. The waves seemed to have started to get influenced by the storm. The water began to toss and turn the boat as I tried to fight against the terrentiall strong waves and before we knew it, we were inside the storm.

“Madison! Get in here!” I yelled. She stumbled to the booth where I was driving the boat.

“Sit on the chair and buckle up.” I said as I turned the boat’s wipers on. 

“What about you?”

“I’ll be fine, I live on a large ship for months on end. You get used to the harsh waves.” As I say that, lightning struck the boat. The electrical system of the boat went haywire causing the boat to slowly begin to lose speed rapidly. 

“Not good! The system is down and the boat isn’t responding.”

“What do we do?! The storm will swallow us if we don’t get it to move!”

Thoughts rush through my head trying to think of anything that could help us get the boat to move again, then it hit me.

“There’s a way I can rewire any leftover electricity to the automated driving system that should be able to give us enough energy to at least reach the ship.” I said as I opened a cabinet door and got all the necessary tools for the job.

“Wait, why can't you manually drive the boat? Doesn't the rudder still work?”

“The rudder was not made to withstand a storm this strong, heck the boat isn’t supposed to be driven in a storm to begin with.” I stated, “But who knew a storm was coming, right?” I said before walking out to the storm. The wind was blowing in all directions. It was hard to see as water droplets were spitting in my eye like needles.

The electrical system was located close to the bow. As I moved closer to the bow the sky cracked and roared with intensity it was deafening. I was practically crawling until I felt the small hatch’s handle and opened it. I was greeted with wild sparks flying around. I quickly and carefully got to work. Remembering the advice and tips some of my crew meates told me on how to rewire the boats aided me as I pulled, clipped, and rewired the clutter of wires. After a few more clips and tying wires together, I turned to the booth seeing Madison looking at me.

“Is the button’s light on?!” I shouted to her, She looked down and scanned the board. She quickly snapped her head up and ferociously nodded her head.

“Press it!” I shouted back as I closed the hatch. I felt the boat redirect itself. As I got up on my feet I felt my center of gravity dramatically shift. Before I could register what was going on I felt my body being wrapped by water. And suddenly I was underwater. I swam upward as the waves tossed me around like a stuffed toy in a washing machine. I stare off to see the boat leave and Madison waving her arms out in the air shouting.

Was this it? Did my luck finally run out after making a discovery of a lifetime? As the waves of the storm began to swallow me the last thing I heard before the darkness set in was a loud wailing noise sounding distressed and water enveloped me as it dragged my body down.

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