(279) Compete With Their Grandchildren When They Got Old

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For the very first time, Lu Mingzhe and Lin Yuran were on the same side. Both of them had a cold look on them.

“You have a boyfriend?” Lu Mingzhe’s voice was ice cold.

Lin Yuran: “Do tell.”


What was there to tell?

Lin Shanshan wanted to cry!

“Aye, fool!” This was the little kiddo Lu Siyuan who had sneaked downstairs at some point.

The 12-year-old Lu Siyuan was much more mature than he appeared. He had always thought that this sister of his was somewhat foolish, but he didn’t think she could be that stupid. She dared to have a romantic interest under her two controlling brothers?

Nevermind that she was in a relationship. She had to let them know about it?!

Most importantly, she told them herself!

Please don’t tell anyone that this is his sister!

He refused to admit to it!

The next day, Lin Shanshan returned to the production team with dark circles under her eyes.

Lin Shanshan almost leapt up when someone bumped into her again.

Was she doing this on purpose?

Zhang Xiruo apologized the exact same way that she did yesterday.

Lin Shanshan seemed to have her memory jolted when the girl looked up.

This girl looked so familiar! She looked a lot like Zhang Xiying!

Zhang Xiying had already retired. She was a decent actress back in her days. She had earned the title of television empress then went onto making movies.

She had a child too soon, though. Meng Yan needed to work away from home, and somebody had to take care of the child. Zhang Xiying had not gotten any good scripts in two years, and Meng Yan had her spend two years at home taking care of the child.

That wasn’t what Zhang Xiying had in mind. Her focus was still her career. That did not please Meng Yan nor did her work take off.

That was the story of many actresses. Having a child would always have some impact on their career unless one has a background or a lot of resources. Then, perhaps, the impact could be minimized.

As such, many actresses would rush back to work a month after having a child.

It would have been better had Meng Yan helped her out some. Unfortunately, he wished that Zhang Xiying would spend a little more time at home. Not only did they have her sister with them, and they had added an infant daughter.

The two’s ideas could not be further apart, and they were destined to not see eye to eye with each other. Over the course of several years, the two barely had any couple life. That ought to show how irreconcilable their problem was.

Nevertheless, none of these had to do with Zhang Xiruo.

She loved to act and wanted to have a career in acting.

Her goal was to be more successful than her sister!

Looking at Zhang Xiruo’s very ambitious eyes, Lin Shanshan was dazed.

They were too alike!

Her eyes looked exactly the same as Zhang Xiying’s the day she came to Number One Restaurant years ago!

Lin Shanshan told everyone in her family that night about running into Zhang Xiruo at the production team.

Had Lin Shanshan not brought her up, Lin Yiyi had already completely forgotten about Zhang Xiruo, the female lead.

Mainly a long time had passed and in addition to that, their lives could not have diverged further apart from the original story plot. One could even say that they were like two completely different stories. As such, the longer the time passed, the less Lin Yiyi thought about this.

And the truth was exactly the way she thought. Many things had diverted from its original path.

Nothing even happened when the original female lead showed up.

Precisely because of her curious status, being related to Meng Yan and Zhang Xiying, Lu Mingzhe had never been a big fan of hers.

Of the few times that the two had crossed paths, he had avoided her cautiously and never had the chance of learning about what a wonderful person she was.

Lin Yuran might not be a fan of Lu Mingzhe, but he wouldn’t try to set him up when it came to work either. Quite the contrary, as both of them were in the entertainment business, the two of them worked together a lot.

The same could be said about Lu Mingzhe. He quite enjoyed how Lin Yuran found him annoying but didn’t actively try to get rid of him.

They had been rivals their entire lives and would even compete with their grandchildren when they got old.

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