Chap 1

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{they are 16 with Rebecca and liz at 15, yeah huge timeskip but let's just say Stan wants what he wants}

Kyles pov

"Oh my god!! How did you not show me this earlier?!" I say to bebe eyes wide she smiles

"Didn't think you would be into greys anatomy" she says eating some vanilla Ice cream.

"Don't eat it all!" I say sticking my spoon in the tub and scooping some out. "this is amazing!! George is soooo cute!!"

Me and bebe are on her couch with the lights off, blinds closed and a blanket on us eating vanilla ice cream. no I did not go through a break up, neither did bebe.

"Nah, I'm digging Alex" {or maybe meridith? XD sorry forget b3} I tilt my head to the side

"Alex is a dick."

"And? I dated Clyde, I know what in doing." I giggle

"Yeah well Stan isn't a picnic either."


"SUP BITCHES?!" The door slams open and I jump.

The ice cream falls on the floor but liz skids across the floor catching it. I sigh and bebe pauses greys.

"I want ice cream!!!" Kenny shouts walking towards liz and grabbing the tub taking my spoon and eating some

"..." I blush.

"INDIRECT KISS BRODA!!" Rebecca shouts moon walking in. she trips falling on top of liz.

Kenny smirks at me waggling his tongue. I roll my eyes

"Bye the way ky, nice jammies" Rebecca says. I snuggle into my hamster onzie. I have the hood up. bebe has a onzie on too. it's a unicorn

"What about me?"

"I like your gay horse bebe." liz says I laugh along with kenny who eats more ice cream

"What we watching?" He asks

"Greys anatomy."

"DID SOMEONE SAY GREYS ANATOMY?!" Rebecca shouts/asks

"Rebecca, your squishing me.." liz says

"You callin me fat?!" She says hand over her heart.

"Nooo......" Rebecca sighs and picks up liz throwing her over her shoulder.

"Punishments are in order." she heads upstairs

"USE A CONDOM!!" Kenny says



We all laugh and bebe presses play.

"Wow!! She's fucking fit!!" Kenny says pointing at the screen. he's sitting next to me on the arm chair still with the ice cream. I'm using bebe's spoon now.


"The Chinese one!!"


"Yeah, she looks like a christina."

"And you look like a kenny." I interrupt.

"Thank you!"

I roll my eyes leaning my head on his leg. bebe smiles

"You two really should date I can't say it enough." I flip her off.

"Single and ready to mingle." I say flipping my kinda long hair

"You need a hair cut" kenny says running a hand through my hair.

"I also need a boyfriend but I don't have that." I mumble bebe laughs.

"Staaaaaan~" I roll my eyes.

"He's a dick. but...." I blush. that damn crush still hasn't gone away. I just can't forgive him.

"Got just let him love you." kenny says

"I'll do that when you go to the mall and sing anaconda while twerking on random people."

"OMG! Let's do that!!" Bebe says

"That'd actually be cool" kenny says

"I'm in." Rebecca says coming down stairs with liz behind her. I face palm

"Liz you don't agree do you?"

"It could be fun.."

"It's settled! Tommorow we are going to twerk on strangers singing anaconda!!"

Guess I know what I'm doing tommorow. god dammit.


Feels god to write about Kyle and that gang again

Cya later NERDZ

Learning To Love Him (COMPLETED) (stanxkyle) {continuation to let me love you}Where stories live. Discover now