Dojin was wondering where did stalactites from There's no stalactites here and then... He saw a replicate of him self His replicate explained everything to dojin His replicate also entroduce him self as the earth element. He also told dojin that the replicate of dojin was a soul of bathala. After Dojin and his replicate talked His replicate gone.
And then dojin started to trained all by him self becaues his replicate telling him what he need to do. After alot of training. Dojin Was able to use his katana to control the earth element also Dojin's katana was able to defense other Element attacks.
When the night has come Samantha the Queen of Lightning, Aaaqil The king of day and night, And Last Dojin The God of the eartth, Met each others at a random place and then bathala showed up, Bathala gave an order to Samantha, Aaaqil , And Dojin to go around the world because the demons are starting to attack. After Bathala gave an order to the 3 demon slayer Bathala suddenly disappear, They all introduced they're self. After they introduce they're self they plan where to met and where to start.Meanwhile Kogoni and Taiyosha was having a dinner when a demon showed up and attacked Taiyosha luckily, Taiyosha knows Karate he can apply his karate skills at his katana's attack that was able to take down a demon.
And then the 4th Soul The soul of the Air Has...