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'I woke up in a strange withe room with a loud beeping nose next to me a little while later an old lady comes in and starts asking me questions when I remember Sylas telling me to never under any circumstances speak with my voice so I do the obvious thing a signs for a pen and paper luckly she understood she got me some cards a pen and a tablet where I could read, write, and draw She Starts asking if I remember my name I write yes and she asks what it is so I write "Ushinawareta Tamashi but you can call me Nukegara" she leaves after asking me a few more baseline questions'

-Time Skip-

You can see a rodent walkng down the halls of the hospital to a specific room that room being room 201 where our MC is curently located why you may ask because he is on his way to ask him if he would like to join UA. We now see him infront of the room door along with a homless loking man Inside we see our MC sleeping but he's not really sleeping he's in his subspace figuring out what Sylas gave him, here's what he gave him
-his quirk
-a game like system
-new powers

people normally would be freaking out but as you should know our MC is Apathetic (Explenation at the end of chapter-Mod Tsuki) so he was quite unaffected by this he didn't even notice when the rodent and homless man walked in he realized a few moments later that someone had walked in when he felt the air in the room changed. Anygays lets get back to the real world.

he could feel the stares that were placed on him but he ignored them for a bit until he decided to look at them and the first thing that caught hids attention was the man i a beanbag who seemed like he didn't wanna be there but was forced to tag along, they called out to him so he grabed the cards that he prepared previously incase someone asked him anything (The cards will be undelined and Italic from now on-Mod Arrow) 'Yes', they were taken aback at first from how fast he responded and was prepared, the rodent quickly calmed down and started asking questions heres how it went (Nezu will be bold-Mod Tsuki)

How are you?
What's you name?
'Ushimawareta Tamashi'
What's your favorite color?
What's your favorite animal?
What do you do in you free time?
What do you like to do?
What hobbies do you have?
'A lot'
After a few more question he asked something that should have stuned him but didn't
Would you like to join UA?
Alright the entrance exam is on febuary 26th from 9:30 to 11:40 you can use all this time to train as much as you like
I have one more question for you
Will you be okay living on your own
They both left soon after that,he was discharged from the hospital the next day so he went to search for a home a 1-room appartment just for him luckily he found 1

How are you?'Okay'What's you name?'Ushimawareta Tamashi'What's your favorite color?'Green'What's your favorite animal?'Butterflies'What do you do in you free time?'Nothing'What do you like to do?'Sleep'What hobbies do you have?'A lot'After a few m...

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it's pretty big for him but knowing him he'll need this much space
It's May 6 so he has 9 months till the exam the training starts now he made a routine for what he had to do each day.Fun. Yeah well on to the stressful 9 months of traing and messing up his alredy nonexistant sleep schedual up yay it was pretty much train,eat,train,train,eat,sleep 5 mins,train,sleep 1 hour. repeat. He traind in various diferent ways like:Flexibility,Strength,Endurance,Stamina,Agility,Hand to hand combat,Fighting with and without a quirk he learned MMA(Mixed Martial Arts) How to use diffrent types of weapons, And he learned everything about the system he was given along with the other powers but thats for another time in about 4 days the UA entrace exam will begin so lets Wish him good luck:)

Ushinawareta Tamashi means Lost soul while Nukegara means Empty shell
Apathetic means showing or feeling no interest in anything, like what people call me that names mainly a temp name while mc grieves
hope you enjoyed this short chapter as my motivation is low and schools starting again soon i'll try to update daily have a good day or night or evening bye bye
748 words


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